Category: Fourth Degree


New 4th Degree Knights

Who are these guys? They are Gamaliel Hernandez, Adan Luna, Allen Reitmeier and Jesse Radillo.  These are the latest Knights from Council 8157 to be inducted into the 4th degree […]


Alex Sabo Joins 4th Degree Knights

Alex Sabo is a new member of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus and a regular attendee of the Saturday evening vigil Mass at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Duncanville, Texas. He and his wife Therese celebrated their 40th anniversary this past April. Alex is confined to a wheelchair or walker, but this has not stopped him from volunteering for the Dallas Diocese’s Catholic Pro-Life Community for years, including selling raffle tickets for the annual Bishop’s Pro Life Dinner.


Our New Sir Knights

  On April 2nd, 2016, brother Knights Tony Gonzalez, Keith Helm, and Charles Turner were escorted to a Fourth Degree exemplification ceremony outside of the DFW metroplex area to Wichita Falls […]


New Sir Knights

In March of this year escorted by Faithful Navigator Jim Richardson and Membership Director Tom Greco, three brother Knights from Council 8157 attended a Fourth Degree Exemplification Ceremony in Carthage, […]


Attention All Sir Knights

TO ALL ASSEMBLY 2799 SIR KNIGHTS I would like to respectfully request that all Sir Knights from Assembly 2799 to personally make their best effort to attend our next Assembly […]


Our New Sir Knights

This past weekend the Fourth Degree held another outstanding Exemplification Ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 at the Marriott Hotel at the Dallas North Tollway and Belt Line. It gives us […]