Russell and Therese LeRoy
Russell is an Outside Guard for the Knights, meaning you will see him attending the doors of the
council and checking membership cards before allowing entrance. Russell is also active in Knight
Hands project teams and other service projects…and he always has a story to share! He knows a
lot about heavy construction equipment (think bulldozer, shovel etc.) as he owned a
business in the industry for 50 years (started in Texas, moved to Ohio for 25 years, then moved
back to Duncanville). Russell and his wife of 57 years, Therese, live in Duncanville and have
been at Holy Spirit since 1998. Therese is active in the parish and serves in the Bereavement
ministry and is a Homebound Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Therese’s father was a
professor at the University of Dallas. Russell and Therese made sure all three children received
a parochial education. Russell loves the Holy Spirit Parish for many reasons but in particular
because of it’s diverse multicultural community.