Jack and Juanita Ramsden
When I asked Jack Ramsden to tell me about himself, he started out by telling me about his introduction to being a Catholic. He recited how he and Juanita went through RCIA together in 2009, encouraged by some of the churches’ founders – Dan and Ann Keough, Jim and Mary Flusche, Joan Allen, Andy Goza, and others. He spoke with passion about his joy and peacefulness while being in church. And when I asked him what his hobbies were he promptly answered “the church”. And so we honor Jack and Juanita as Family of the Month for July 2023. Together they have raised 4 children and are assisting in raising 7 grandchildren. Together they also nurture 5 dogs – three of them are rescue dogs. Jack’s career involved machine shops; first as an employee – if you call president of the company an employee-and later as owner of his own company (Four Winds) making machine parts for various customers in the Metroplex. So never underestimate Jack’s ability to figure out how to build or repair something. Jack joined the Knights of Columbus in 2012 along with Doug Karpan and Billy Callander. He participates in nearly everything the Knights do and is usually the first one to step up when something needs to be done. Juanita and Jack also deliver about 4,000 Meals on Wheels each year for the past many years. Jack was also recognized as Knight of the Year in 2018. When I asked Jack the best thing about the Knights he simply said “the guys”