Assembly 2799 Receives “Provincial Award for Excellence”
It gives me great pleasure and honor to announce that the Msgr. James F. Burnes Assembly 2799 received the prestigious Our Lady of Guadalupe Third Texas District “Provincial Award for Excellence” at the Exemplification Banquet following the 4th Degree Exemplification Ceremony of Saturday, October 2nd, 2015. I had the honor and privilege of accepting this prestigious award from SK Daniel Hogan, Past State Deputy (Oklahoma) and Vice Supreme Master, and SK Bill Elliott, Third Texas District Master. What made this award more significant is that our Assembly was one of only twelve Assemblies recognized out of a total of 36 Assemblies in the Third Texas District. This award is presented to the Assembly who is in compliance with having filed all required reports, including Audit, IRS, and meeting recruiting goals for the Fraternal Year.
While I had the privilege of accepting this Award on behalf of our Assembly, we would not have achieved this honor without the personal contributions of all of our Officers of the Assembly. In particular I want to express my most sincere appreciation to our Faithful Comptroller, SK Julius Siemens, who ultimately has the final responsibility of submitting all of our reports on a timely basis, our Faithful Purser, SK and PFN Paul Fehmel, who has the responsibility of maintaining all of our financial records, all of our Chair Officers past and present, and especially our Trustees SK Art Senato, Sk. Jim Moorman, and SK Ronnie Ellis, who always make themselves available to sign off on all required reports in order for our Assembly to be in compliance with Third District requirements. Having received this award in a banquet room full of Sir Knights, their Ladies, and visiting high ranking dignitaries made it more special.
Let’s keep up the good work!!
James H. Richardson,
Faithful Navigator
Assembly 2799