Chris Kubin
Grand Knight 2007-2008
Grand Knight 2006-2007
In 2006, Chris Kubin was elected Grand Knight at the ripe old age of 32. That both flattered and concerned him. “I was honored that they thought that much of me,” Chris said. “But here were guys who’d been around the block – been around the block four or five times – and I was asking, ‘Where’s the first turn?'” Chris’ turn as Grand Knight in 2006-07 and ’07-08 worked out just fine. Among the mileposts of those two years was the council getting back into the baseball concession business, when brother Knight B.J. Tucker paved the path between 8157 and the Cedar Hill Baseball Association. Six years later, working the concession stands has meant about $50,000 annually in gross revenue. “That has allowed us to continue to do good works,” Chris said. Coming into the position, he previously served as Deputy Grand Knight. And program director. And council director. Chris was eager to roll up his sleeves soon after joining the council in February 1997 and then took his major degrees two years later. His “From the Grand Knights” offering in the quarterly newsletter provided a different perspective. He quoted from George Patton (“An Army is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats and fights as a team”) to Thomas Carlyle (who wrote in 1831, “The good man is he who works continually in well-doing, to whom well-doing is as his natural existence, awakening no astonishment, requiring no commentary.”). Among the members who joined the council during Chris’ two years as Grand Knight was Larry Dumais. A number of members joined the Fourth Degree: Deacon Les Alt, Deacon AI Evans, Chris Edwards, Francisco Hernandez and Andy Hitz. Jim Kowalski retired as insurance field agent at the end of the 2006 calendar year following ttlf2 years serving our council. Chris is a second-generation Knight, following his father, Leon, into the order. That happened while Chris was enrolled at the University of North Texas. Wife Laura grew up in Duncanville and is an assistant professor of nursing at the other college in Denton, Texas Woman’s University. They have a daughter named Jagger. Chris is into numbers; he’s a financial analyst at Baylor Health Care Systems and has been greatly involved in the council’s annual budgeting process for years.