13. Marce Tebbe, PGK 2001-2002



Marce Tebbe

Grand Knight 2001-2002

Marce Tebbe may have been small at birth (2 lbs 6 oz – his twin brother was 3 lbs 4 oz), but he has been a large force in the Knights of Columbus since joining the ranks of Knights in 1980 at Council #1580 in Highland Ill. Marce was an advocate and a deputy Grand Knight there and would have been Grand Knight but was transferred to New Jersey for his job. Marce has recently retired but for 32 lf2 years worked for Southwestern Bell as Network Engineering and Planning Director. He was born in Breese Ill and attended Southern Illinois University where he holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration as well. While in New Jersey, he was Youth Director and Deputy Grand Knight. Again on the cusp of being Grand Knight he moved back to Illinois (Troy this time) and in 2 years was again Deputy Grand Knight at Council #3360 But instead of becoming Grand Knight he accepted the position of District Deputy (over 7 Councils). In 1994 he was inducted into the local chapter’s Knights of Columbus Hall of Fame. In 1998 Marce arrived in Texas and quickly became involved in this Council’s activities including serving on the state convention committee in 1999. He has held many, many council and state offices since his arrival, including Grand Knight from July 2001 thru June 2002. The most important event during his tenure as Grand Knight was “establishing a contract with DDBI. When I became Grand Knight I coordinated all activities with DDBI”. When I asked him what he was most proud of while Grand Knight he replied ” I completed the state community service award forms and received 2nd place in the state for Community Activity for our service to DDBI, Catholic Daughters, Seminarians and Scouts”. He also said “it was an honor to be part of the honor guard at the 2008 Supreme Convention in Dallas for President Bush”. Marce only served one year as Grand Knight because “the State Deputy asked me to be the Dallas Diocesan Deputy where I was in charge of 46 Councils”. Marce has since served as State Charities Director, State Program Director, State Council Growth Director and currently as State Liturgy Director. Marce is married to Brenda and they enjoy their 4 children.