Knight of the Month – Oct. 2023

Jeff Traub

Brother Jeff Traub joined the Knights of Columbus in 2016, after the death of his
Mother, Burma Wodek. He believes his Mom would be proud of his membership and participation in the

Jeff celebrated his 49 th birthday on October 12 th , the same month he was named
Knight of the Month. Although now “retired”, Jeff has been a Special Olympian nearly his entire life.
Over the years, he participated in bocce ball, bowling, basketball, sailing and kayaking. A most
impressive athletic record!

Jeff has done a number of jobs, most recently helping out at Holy Spirit parish and at
the Tri-City Animal Shelter. This last reflects Jeff’s love for animals, including his dog Bozie. Most
recently, he will tell you that he works for the Knights of Columbus, doing “whatever they ask” for

As the new year of 2024 begins, Jeff has a single resolution, which could be echoed by

many, if not most of his brothers: “to stay home and be lazy”.

When asked about his proudest accomplishment, Jeff says “I love the Knights of
Columbus so much, and they always love me”. That by itself seems like the very description of a
brother Knight!