Billy Callender
Billy joined the Order in July 2013 and pitches in when he can with our Knight Hands team. He looks forward to more opportunities to serve after recently retiring following 24 years with Frito Lay – no more setting the alarm for 4 a.m. Not that he’s totally a man of leisure; Billy has become the official greeter for Amazon, UPS and FedEx as packages are being delivered. He and wife Davida, married for 37 years, have long been involved in Holy Spirit doings, for years holding the Marriage Enrichment classes and now co-facilitating the Wednesday night Bible study. Daughter Libby and her husband, Chris, have three children (Robert 20 in November, Lilly 10 and David, born in February). Their other daughter, Elizabeth, passed away in 2011. Billy donated a kidney to Elizabeth that lasted for 16 years, teaching us all that there are many ways to give.