Dr. Roberto Nieto
Dr. Roberto Nieto (Neurologist) was born and raised a Catholic from Corpus Christi, TX and is 60 years young. His mother Maria Louisa Nieto, San Antonio, TX is still alive and hails from Mexico City. His father is from Mexico City as well, but has long been passed on. He says they left him his beautiful gift of faith as he has been to several different parishes. He says he enjoys the meaning of the Eucharist most as well as the lives of the saints including his favorite, St. Francis of Assisi…”the church is totally universal and reaches around the globe,” says Dr. Nieto. His goal as a Catholic is to reach salvation and says he would like, “my name on the list,” before he passes on. Dr. Nieto was married in 1996 to his wife Gloria. They met at St. Rita’s during a Catholic Singles event. They have three daughters Maria, Marisa, and Monica who all three live out of the house, and calls him and his wife empty nesters, but he says he would welcome them back if they needed to. He recalls the devastating nature of the pandemic and his eldest daughter needing to come back home during the time. It was apparent at work, hospital Methodist Mansfield that the pandemic took its toll. It was here that Dr. Nieto worked from 60 to 80 hours a week. Dr. Nieto was going to be an engineer before he entered into the field of medicine, he says he enjoys problem solving. He went to Yale University in New Haven, CT, UT Houston Medical School, Hermann Hospital, then MD Anderson and then did his residency at UT Southwestern here in Dallas. He enjoys riding his bicycle and writing as in reading and writing as, “there are lots of different things to study, but nothing in specific.” He has really enjoyed his time in the Knights of Columbus and hopes to continue for years to come. He enjoys being a Christian servant and that servitude is alive and well in the Knights.