Meeting Minutes 2019-1-8

Meeting 2018-12-04 - 2 of 6


January 8, 2019

Meeting 2019-1-8 - 3 of 9

The meeting called to order at: 7:30 PM by Grand Knight Tom Greco.

The Grand Knight opened the meeting with an “Our Father” and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Roll Call of Officers: P = present, EX= excused, A = absent

  • Grand Knight: Tom Greco: P
  • Dep Grand Knight: Jeff Miller: P
  • Chancellor: Jorge Ruiz: P
  • Financial Secretary: Peter Perta: P 
  • Treasurer: James Smith: P
  • Recorder: Jim Russell: P
  • Advocate: Russell Gully: P
  • Chaplain: Fr. Lee: EX
  • Warden: Art Senato: EX
  • Inside Guard: Tony Gonzalez: A
  • Outside Guard: Jeff Traub: P
  • Trustee (1) Jim Richardson: EX
  • Trustee (2) Mike Fitzgerald: P
  • Trustee (3) Dan Murphy: P

  • The Grand Knight led the Opening Ode.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting were Approved as published.
  • Introduction of new members:  Grand Knight introduced our new Brother Dennis Hudson.
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Grand Knight’s Report: (Tom Greco)

  • Tom thanked members of the Council  for the prayers and words of sympathy relating to the passing of his father shortly after  Christmas.
  • Tom also presented the Knight in Shining Armor Award to Brother Keith Archer.
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The Knight in Shining Armor Award is earned by Keith Archer.

Treasurer’s Report: (James Smith)

  • The Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Financial Secretary’s Report: (Peter Perta)

  • Membership stands at 243. 
  • Summary of membership activities for first 6 months of fiscal year:  two new members have been added while four have transferred to Council 17111 at St. Elizabeth of Hungary. 
  • Five members have transferred in. 
  • Three brothers have requested reinstatement, reapplication or readmission.
  • Three brothers have died. 
  • Several members have paid their dues for 2019. 
  • Approximately 55.5% of the current fiscal year budget has been spent.

Trustees Report:

  • Semi-annual audit is due.  Trustees will meet to review audit with the Financial Secretary.

Committee Reports:

Community Activities: (Dan Murphy)

  • The committee is working on this calendar years activities for the seminarians and the VA.
Meeting 2019-1-8 - 6 of 9

Knight Hands: (Allen Reitmeier)

  • Three projects had been completed since the last meeting.

Youth Activities Report: (Mike Moloughney)

  • The Youth will be departing for the January March for Life in Washington, D.C. They will be returning Sunday January 20th.

Pro Life Committee Report: (Mike Moloughney)

  • See Youth activities. 
  • The Dallas March for Life will be January 18th.  The bus will leave Holy Spirit at 8:30.  There will be a mass at the cathedral at 10:00.  The march will begin at the cathedral at 12:30 and proceed to the federal courthouse where the rally will be held.

Council Activities: (Andy Goza)

  • Planning our January Appreciation Dinner and our corporate communion will be January 12th.  Mass at 5:30 followed by the dinner in the Parish Family Center. 
  • Subsequent corporate communions are pending response from Cindy Meyer.

First Degree Team: (Tom Greco)

  • There will be no First Degree in January.  There are two candidates from St. Francis and the team may be contacted to see if a special ceremony is possible. 
  • The team has initiated 18 new members, two from 8157, this year.

Membership Committee Report: (Keith Archer)

  • No report.

Retention Committee Report: (Wendell Jean Pierre)

  • No report.

Awareness & Safe Environment Report: (Jorge Ruiz)

  • The committee is setting up GROUPME.COM.  Access will require members to add an app to their mobile phones to access the program.  This will allow for faster communications within the council. 
  • The committee is also opening up the “store” application so that members may pay their dues via credit card instead of check or cash.  The service charge will not be passed on to the member.

Church Activities: (James Smith)

  • The Breakfast with St. Nick was a success with more toys collected than the agency was willing to accept. 
  • We are working on our annual Super Bowl Sunday hot dog cookout. 
  • A breakfast is also in planning

Concessions Committee: (James Smith)

  • Results for football were given with the flag football program being the most rewarding.

Health Committee Report: (Lou Lemons)

  • Brother Lou discussed the research done and results regarding New Year’s Resolutions.  The SMART approach appears to be the most successful approach

Family Activities: (Jeff Miller)

  • Knight of the Month for January is John Balasa. 
  • Family of the Month for January Chris and Cecilia Edwards.  
  • Charles Turner has moved back to his apartment and will need assistance with appointments etc.
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Hector Rubio receiving the December 2018 Knight of the Month award.
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John Espree picks up a past Knight of the Month award.

Old Business:

  • None was discussed.

New Business:

  1. Keith Archer presented a Sacramental Gift Program for the Council’s consideration. 
    • The Council entertained a motion to fund the program if the parish staff agreed to participate.

District Deputy Report: (Andy Goza)

  • Free throw tournaments will be held in January and February probably at St. Elizabeth Catholic School.  He plans to run both the tournaments on the same day.

Report of the 4th Degree:

  • Next Assembly meeting will be January 10th.  
  • Still collecting flags for retirement ceremony next spring. 
  • The essay contest is planned for Bishop Dunne Catholic School. 
  • Next exemplification will be in March in Wichita Falls.

The GK called for the Good of the Order. 

Meeting Adjourned at: 8:55 PM

Jim Russell,
Recording Secretary