February 5, 2019
The meeting was preceded by a 30-minute presentation on CERT, an emergency response organization currently serving Duncanville, Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Midlothian, Lancaster and Maypearl.
The meeting called to order at: 8:05 PM by Grand Knight Tom Greco.
The Grand Knight opened the meeting with an “Our Father” and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers: P = present, EX= excused, A = absent
- Grand Knight: Tom Greco: P
- Dep Grand Knight: Jeff Miller: P
- Chancellor: Jorge Ruiz: P
- Financial Secretary: Peter Perta: EX
- Treasurer: James Smith: EX
- Recorder: Jim Russell: P
- Advocate: Russell Gully: P
- Chaplain: Fr. Lee: EX
- Warden: TBD
- Inside Guard: Tony Gonzalez: A
- Outside Guard: Jeff Traub: A
- Trustee (1) Jim Richardson: P
- Trustee (2) Mike Fitzgerald: P
- Trustee (3) Dan Murphy: A
- The Opening Ode was omitted.
- Minutes of the previous meeting were Approved as published.
- Introduction of new members:
- One transfer Leonardo Zapata, Business Administrator at Holy Spirit Catholic Church was approved.
- One previously approved transfer was introduced, Mark Gobert.
Grand Knight’s Report: (Tom Greco)
- SK Art Senato submitted his resignation as Warden and Youth Director due to his continuing health issues.
- Doug Maddox had volunteered to complete Art’s term as Warden.
- No other nominations were made and Doug was approved unanimously by a voice vote of the members present.
Treasurer’s Report: (Tom Greco for James Smith)
- The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Financial Secretary’s Report: (Jeff Miller for Peter Perta)
- Membership stands at 243.
- Approximately 41% of this year’s dues have been collected.
- Committee of 1000 pins for this year are available.
- All required reports have been submitted
Trustees Report:
- No report.
Committee Reports:
Community Activities: (Dan Murphy)
- Absent – No report
Knight Hands: (Allen Reitmeier)
- Two projects had been completed since the last meeting.
- We have been approached to participate in this year’s PIP.
- Allen has been invited to join the PIP project selection committee.
Youth Activities Report: (Mike Moloughney)
- Absent – No report
Pro Life Committee Report: (Mike Moloughney)
- Absent – No report
Council Activities: (Andy Goza)
- Absent – No Report
First Degree Team: (Tom Greco)
- There will be a First Degree next week. We have some candidates from Lancaster.
Membership Committee Report: (Keith Archer)
- Working with Cindy Meyer as to a date for a recruitment fair.
Retention Committee Report: (Wendell Jean Pierre)
- No report.
Awareness & Safe Environment Report: (Jorge Ruiz)
- The council’s online STORE is now open for business. Membership can now be paid for online. Council shirts are available and new products will be added soon.
- The Bishop of Dallas has published the List of Priests with credible allegations…
Church Activities: (James Smith)
- Absent – No report
Concessions Committee: (James Smith)
- Excused – No Report.
Health Committee Report: (Lou Lemons)
- Absent – Brother Lou’s health Flyer for February is on our website.
Family Activities: (Jeff Miller)
- Knight of the Month for February is Greg Warr.
- Family of the Month of February is Doug and Diana Maddox.
Old Business:
- Sacramental Gifts program was discussed.
- Council voted 16 – 8 to continue to explore the suggested program with the parish staff.
New Business:
- Jorge Ruiz was appointed as the council Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC).
- Father Eugene thanked the Council for their gifts presented at his 25th Anniversary celebration. He also commented on the need for the members of the parish to unite in response to the current issues facing the church.
District Deputy Report: (Andy Goza)
- Absent – No Report.
Report of the 4th Degree: (Jim Russell)
- Next Assembly meeting will be February 14th.
- Still collecting flags for retirement ceremony next spring, Council 17111 is considering hosting the event.
- The essay contest is planned for Bishop Dunne Catholic School.
- Next exemplification will be in March in Wichita Falls.
- The Assembly plans to hold a dinner on March 14th for all Assembly members in good standing and their spouses.
The GK called for the Good of the Order.
Meeting Adjourned at: 9:17 PM
Jim Russell,
Recording Secretary