July 2, 2019
The meeting called to order at: 7:30 PM by Grand Knight Tom Greco.
The Grand Knight opened the meeting with an “Our Father” and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers: P = present, EX= excused, A = absent
- Chaplain: Fr. Lee: EX
- Grand Knight: Tom Greco: P
- Dep Grand Knight: Jorge Ruiz: P
- Chancellor: Allen Reitmeier: P
- Financial Secretary: Peter Perta: P
- Treasurer: James Smith: EX
- Recorder: Mike Fitzgerald: P
- Advocate: Russell Gully: P
- Warden: Doug Maddox: A
- Inside Guard: John Espree: P
- Outside Guard: Jeff Traub: EX
- Lecturer: Wendell JeanPierre: P
- Trustee (1) Chris Edwards: A
- Trustee (2) Jim Richardson: A
- Trustee (3) Chris Kubin: A
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Approved as published.
Grand Knight’s Report: (Tom Greco)
- In the Warden’s absence the GK asked the attendees if all present had a current membership card. Everyone replied, “I do.”
- The GK, DGK and Chancellor met earlier today. In an effort to make our General Meetings more effective and efficient, the following procedural changes are being proposed/implemented:
- Going forward, our General Meetings will have an Agenda.
- Any and all Council members, including Officers and Directors, who wish to and/or will be speaking at a General Meeting need to submit a description of their agenda item to the DGK.
- An email reminder to submit agenda item(s) will be sent out on the last Tuesday of each month (one (1) week prior to the next scheduled General Meeting).
- Agenda items need to be submitted by 8 p.m. Sunday evening prior to our Tuesday General Meeting.
- When presenting an agenda item, the Council member is asked to complete his presentation within two (2) minutes.
- Our Corporate Communion and Installation of Officers is tentatively scheduled for July 20th. The Church dining room is NOT available that evening and other off-site venues are being looked at including the Duncanville Center.
- A Major Degree is tentatively scheduled for September 7th at H.S. Church.
- June 27th Dallas Diocesan Chapter annual year end banquet – our Council purchased a table.
Treasurer’s Report: (James Smith)
- No report. (Out of town)
Financial Secretary’s Report: (Peter Perta)
- Membership stands at 243.
- Seventy-two (72%) percent of dues have been collected.
- All required reports to Supreme have been submitted.
- For the just ended July 1st to June 30th 2018-2019 fiscal year, our Council spending finished at ninety-six and eight tenths (96.8%) percent of the 2018-2019 budget.
- Our Council (due in large part to the efforts of our Financial Secretaries, Peter Perta and Ernie Coy) received the Charity Award for twenty-five (25) years of meeting our charity goals (and timely submission of various required reports).
Trustees Report:
- No report.
Committee Reports:
Community Activities: (Jorge Ruiz for Dan Murphy)
- October 5th Seminarian Cookout.
- October 12th or 13th St. Joseph’s Cookout
- Bill Dover advised: VA Cookout 2nd Saturday in November (November 9th)
Knight Hands: (Allen Reitmeier)
- Since its inception in May 2010, Knight Hands has done a total of 324 projects.
- Four (4) projects have been completed since the last meeting:
Person Assisted | Project | Man Hours Worked | Material Cost |
Jesse Ann Nobles | Siding Replacement | 58 | $650.88 |
Herrene Franco | Yard Clean-Up | 23 | $16.67 |
Cindy Stinson | Washer Repair | 2 | |
Susan Goza | Rummage Sale Pick-Up | 3 |
Youth Activities Report: (Mike Moloughney)
- This week the Youth Group is on its Mission Trip to Nashville, TN. Pray for a successful and safe Mission Trip.
Pro Life Committee Report: (Mike Moloughney)
- South Dallas Abortion Clinic – we continue to have a presence on Saturday morning and most Saturdays there are NO abortions being performed. Many State Legislatures have enacted recent strict state laws; some Pro-Life; other’s “so called” Pro-Choice.
- Tom Clark was named the Diocesan Knight of the Year, in part, due to his Pro-Life efforts.
Council Activities: (Vacant)
- No report.
First Degree Team: (Tom Greco)
- No requests. No Candidates at this time.
Membership Committee Report: (Keith Archer)
- Keith attended the ACTS Retreat last weekend. There he met a few potential new members. In the next couple of weeks, Keith will be contacting those potential new members.
- Keith has a Marriage Sacramental daily companion prayer book which is available to Knights.
Retention Committee Report: (Vacant)
- No report.
Awareness: (Jorge Ruiz)
- Please go to our webpage and look at the World Series article.
- Attending the Dallas Diocese Chapter annual year end banquet on June 27th and representing our Council were Jorge Ruiz, Allen Reitmeier, Dan Murphy, Larry Balagna, David Dybala and their wives.
Safe Environment: (Jorge Ruiz)
- No report.
Disaster Preparedness: (Wendell JeanPierre)
- The plan is on our website. See Disaster Preparedness.
- Wendell is starting a phone tree of those who would be most in need of immediate assistance, i.e., homebound, those confined to wheelchairs, etc.
Church Activities: (Mike Denoy)
- Absent- No report.
Concessions Committee: (Allen Reitmeier for James Smith)
- On James Smith’s behalf Allen Reitmeier provided a World Series report.
- The World Series ran from June 19th to June 22nd. June 19th was team registrations and skills competition with actual games played on all other days.
- There were 153 games; 434 man hours worked, 42 Knights and their families (for the list of names see the World Series Article on our website) worked resulting in total gross sales of $18,164.
- A special shout out to James Smith, Eric Conners and Jesse Stacy (from the Holy Cross Council) for all the hours they worked.
Health Committee Report: (Lou Lemons)
- No report, Lou Lemons was absent.
Family Activities: (GK Tom Greco for Jeff Miller)
- Sympathy card sent to Carlos Limones for the passing of his brother-in-law.
- Knight of the Month: Jay Trapp
- Family of the Month: Russell and Patricia Gully.
Lecturer: (Wendell JeanPierre)
- There will be a posting on our website in a few days. The topic will be Why We Love Mary.
Old Business:
- Membership Open House update – no current target date – looking to reschedule sometime after the Fall Festival
New Business:
- 2018-2019 Knight of the Year Voting took place.
- The three finalists (in alphabetical order) are
- Larry Balagna
- Jack Ramsden
- James Smith
- David Dybala has agreed to be the Project Manager for the Parish Dining Room renovation project. He is asking for Knights to help with the work that is expected to start on July 8th
- Jorge Barragan continues in his volunteer role as Fall Festival Head of Operation. He asked for our help this coming Saturday starting at 8:00 AM for the Gym Setup. A sign-up sheet was circulated.
Field Agent Report: (Jon Fincher)
- No agent present.
District Deputy Report: (Bill Dover)
- Bill said “Yes” when asked to fill the DD void with Andy Goza’s passing. Bill is very complimentary of Council 8157, holding us out as a model to other Councils in his District.
- Bill shared thoughts on:
- the “not-to-exceed-2-minute” presentation target – it will be difficult for him to meet.
- September 7th 2019 Major Degree – will need both the gym and dining room.
- Membership – he asked and we confirmed we have a functioning Membership Retention Committee in place. With only seventy-two (72%) percent dues paid to date, Bill volunteered that he will support calling non-paying non-active “in-name-only” Knights.
- Holy Cross Council is starting a program on domestic violence. He wants 8157 (and all other councils in his District) to spread the word on the need to put a spotlight on domestic violence.
- Dallas is hosting the 2020 State Convention. There will be a great need for volunteers to work at the Convention.
Report of the 4th Degree: (Wendell for Jim Russell)
- If anyone has flags needing to be retired – please contact Wendel Jean Pierre.
The Grand Knight called for the Good of the Order: Several prayer requests were made.
Meeting Adjourned at: 8:37 PM
50/50 Drawings:
- Meeting Winner: Art Senato
- Meeting Attendance: Jim Richardson – Not Present
Mike Fitzgerald,
Recording Secretary