Meeting Minutes May 2024



Dining Room







CHAPLAIN:  VACANT                                     



CHANCELLOR:  PAUL RYAN:  P                                      OUTSIDE GUARD:  RUSSELL LEROY: P


TREASURER:  JAMES SMITH:  EX                               1ST YR TRUSTEE:  JACK  RAMSDEN: P

RECORDER:  ROBERT NIETO:  P                                2ND YR TRUSTEE:  DAVID DYBALA: EX

ADVOCATE:  RUSSELL GULLY:  P                               3RD YR TRUSTEE:  TOM GRECO:  P



The minutes of our APRIL 4th General Membership Meeting have been posted on the website.  A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the April 4th minutes as posted.

GRAND KNIGHT’S REPORT: by Mike Fitzgerald

New Knights attending their First Meeting tonight:

JUAN TORRES –He does remodeling

PEDRO ZUNIGA –He is a welder

Wheelchair Mission: This will take place on Saturday, June 29th and Sunday, June 30th.  This is the same weekend as our Corporate Communion Mass and installation of officers (Saturday).

Lenten Fish Fry by Dan Murphy. The final numbers are not in but based on our numbers, we cleared over $6,000 over a 6 week period. We had an excellent turn out from the Knights. Over 1,000 meals were served!

Installation of Officers/Corporate Communion –Our next corporate communion will take place on Saturday, June 29th followed by the installation of officers for the 2024/2025 Fraternal Year.

Scholarship Committee –Jorge Ruiz has joined the scholarship committee, which includes Dan Murphy, Steve Zender, and Mike Fitzgerald. In addition to serving on the committee, Jorge created a scholarship evaluation template consisting of seven (7) criteria. We received 5 scholarship applications. The applications are now closed.  Thank you, Jorge, for your help.

At the April Officers and Director’s Meeting, there was a motion made to increase the budgeted scholarship amount from $3,000 to $6000. At the O & D meeting, a motion was made, seconded, and passed on a unanimous vote. Because the amount is more than $500 we need to take a second vote this evening. At tonight’s meeting, there was motion to increase the budgeted scholarship line item from $3,000 to $6,000 which was seconded and again passed unanimously.  This amount will be voted on every year.  Each applicant can receive a $1,000 scholarship.

We received five (5) scholarship applications from:

Sandra Echeveste Martinez, daughter of Jorge Echeveste.

Jorge Hernandez who is a member of our Council

Jagger Kubin, the daughter of past GK Chris Kubin

Keddie Ramsden, grandson of Jack Ramsden

Rylie Via, granddaughter of Dan Murphy

With tonight’s vote and at the Scholarship Committee’s recommendation each of our five (5) applicants will receive a $1,000 scholarship from our Council. 

Knight in Need Fund:  This was discussed at our April Officers and Directors meeting. After a considerable discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and approved to pay $500 each to Roy Seltenrich and Ernest Alvarez.

Special Olympics –This event was rained out on Friday, April 26th, which meant that all the track and field activities were compressed into Saturday, April 27th

PIP Days/Knight Hands –by Alan Reitmeier

Duncanville’s Property Improvement Days took place on April 27th. People apply to get help with various outside home/property improvement projects to their homes like mending fences or painting. As a Knight hands project, our Knights worked on a home at 328 San Miguel.  The owner of the home is Catholic and he said he wants to start going to church and join the Knights.

Baseball Volunteers –We had a full slate of baseball games played at Valley Ridge in Cedar Hill. Larry Balanga, not only pulled double duty by working both the PIP Project and the 12 noon-4 p.m. shift at the baseball concessions, but stayed on for the 4 p.m. till closing shift and called his wife, Sheila, to come and help out. Thank you, Larry and Sheila!

April 27thI am extremely proud of this Council being able to lend our support to three very important projects Special Olympic, Duncanville PIP, and our Cedar Hill Baseball Concessions.

Treasurer’s Report: by James Smith –absent

He is working the concession stand at Valley Ridge the evening of the meeting

Mike Fitzgerald provided the information in James’ absence.

Starting with last month’s ending bank balance, Mike advised us of this month’s deposits, less expenses and the resulting ending balance.

Baseball Concessions Update –We need more help! Baseball will take place on several weekends. The first Saturday, we made $1,000 in credit card sales. On the second Saturday, it was just under $1,000. This does not include cash sales. If you get a call from Miguel, our Baseball Concession Scheduler, please volunteer to work one of the concession stand shifts.

Fourth Degree Classic Car Show –This took place on Saturday, 04/13/24 and in James’ words, “It was a flop.”

Fourth Degree Exemplification Ceremony –If you are interested in becoming a 4th degree Knight, this ceremony will take place on Monday, July 15th. Please contact James Smith if you are interested.

Program Directors Reports

Fraternal Benefits Qualifying Event by Paul Ryan

This took place on Saturday, April 6th at the Cedar Hill Fairfield Inn  (behind Hooters) at 7 a.m. Attendance was light. We watched one of the “Into the Breach” videos and then had a presentation by our Knights of Columbus insurance agent, Tom Centarri, on the topic of long-term care.  During the meeting, we learned that Babe Ruth was a member of the Knights of Columbus!

Next Fraternal Social/Event –The next Fraternal event will take place on Saturday, June 8th at the home of Adan Luna at 6 p.m. for burgers and tacos.

Knight in Need Fund:  This was discussed at our April Officers and Directors meeting. After a considerable discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and approved to pay $500 each to Roy Seltenrich and Ernest Alvarez.

Special Olympics –This event was rained out on Friday, April 26th, which meant that all the track and field activities were compressed into Saturday, April 27th

Financial Secretary’s Report:  although unable to attend the meeting, Peter Perta provided the following report:

Membership: 237

2024 Years to date dues collected: 47%

Star Council: Membership Goal  13;  YTD 24 –we are at 24 members: our Fraternal Year ends on June 30th

The Knight in Need Fund:

Starting balance:     $968

New Donation:         $300

Balance:                    $1,255

Paid out                     ($1,000) ($500 each to Roy Seltenrich and Earnest Alvarez)

Net:                             $255

New Donation:         $805 (Our Financial Secretary, Peter Perta, donated his 2022 and 2023


Knight in Need Fund: $1,060  new balance

Forms submitted:

Family of the Month for April

2023 Council Tax Return

Nomination Committee:  by Russell Gully

The nomination committee consists of Jorge Ruiz, Jack Ramsden, and Russell Gully

The proposed slate of officers:

Grand Knight: Mike Fitzgerald

Depute Grand Knight: Marc Evans

Chancellor: Paul Ryan

Financial Secretary: Peter Perta (appointed by Supreme)

Warden: Jesse Radillo

Recorder: Roberto Nieto

Treasurer:  James Smith

Advocate: Russell Gully

Trustee 1st Year: Jorge Ruiz

Trustee 2nd Year: Jim Russell

Trustee: 3rd Year: Dan Murphy

Lecturer: Jim Russell (appointed by GK)

Inside Guard: Russell Leroy

Outside Guard: Gamaliel Hernandez

Chaplain: Charlie Ruelas (appointed by GK)

Elections will take place during our June meeting. Other nominations can be made from the floor at the next meeting.  If you want to nominate someone at the next meeting, make sure you have talked to that individual and that person has agreed to the nomination.

Family:  by Jose Montoya

Family of the Month (May)  -Jim and Mary Russell

Family of the Month (April) Miguel and Darlene Hernandez

Community:  by Dan Murphy

Joseph’s Residence in Dallas  –A cookout will take place at the St. Joseph’s Residence on Saturday, May 11th.  If you can arrive at 9:30 a.m. at the Parking Lot, and the event will be over at around 1 p.m. Please sign up to volunteer to cook and serve the St. Joseph’s community.

Holy Spirit Catholic Church’s 50th Anniversary Celebration –There will be mass at 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 18th and the mass will include several former pastors of HSCC. Afterwards, there will be a dinner celebration in the gym. Food will be purchased from Olive Garden but volunteers are needed to help serve and clean up. On Sunday, May 19th, there will be the 10 a.m. Mass with celebrant, Bishop Kelly. After the mass, there will be a picnic lunch featuring smoked pork, sausage, and chicken and sides. Volunteers will be needed for serving and clean up afterwards. The stage set-up will take place on Friday and outdoor tents and tables will be set up on Saturday morning. Volunteers are needed.

Seminary Dinner -Father Don who was the pastor here at HSCC is now at the Seminary Director. No date has been set for the event.

Life: by Mike Moloughney

The Pro-Life Dinner was a big success. Over 1200 people attended. Fr. Uche and Fr. Manny attended. The raffle takes place at a later date. Mike reports that 63% of all abortions now are done with the pill.  The abortion bill is restricted in Texas, even via mail.  We are accepting donations for the Pregnancy Centers like diapers, etc. Please leave them in the large wooden box in the Narthex.

Mike Moloughney was absent so the Grand Knight led the Council as we prayed 3 Hail Marys for:

First Hail Mary – for the Unborn

Second Hail Mary – for the moms of those unborn babies – that they allow their babies to be born.

Third Hail Mary – for those in the abortion industry; that they turn away from evil and seek the face of God.

Health: by Robert Nieto

Our next Carter Blood Care Drive will take place on Blood Drive on Sunday, June 23rd, 2024.  8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Church Activities:  by David Ybarra  (absent)

Thanks who helped out with the April 14th breakfast. This includes Efrain Ochoa, Jack Ramsden, Dan Murphy, Jose Montoya, Chris Kubin, Russell Leroy, Jorge Ruiz, Barry Barksdale, Jose and Gammaliel Hernandez, John Espree, Billy Calendar, James Smith, Mike Fitzgerald, and Jim Ouimet

Safe Environment by Russell Leroy -no report

Recruitment/Special Olympics: by Jim Kowalski  -We are proud to announce we are well on our way to acheive Double Star Council status for our recruitment efforts. Jim requested that all recommended Knights be encouraged to complete the process. Thanks to all who signed up for the Special Olympics at Cedar Hill High School. The Knights helped present the medals to the athletes. Friday was cancelled due to weather but the events were compressed and all done on Saturday. Everything went smoothly. Mike Moloughney and John Espree were first time volunteers for this important event! Thanks to all who volunteered for Special Olympics. The next Olympics will take place this Fall.

Tom Centarri (Field Agent) –no report


Bulk Texting –by Allen Reitmeier:  The cost for bulk testing is about $500 per year; printing and mailing is a little over $200. Our texting had to be upgraded from free to $20 per month and is limited to 160 characters; this is more of a reminder kind of thing as the information must be brief. It will be in English only. This will be directed to about 164 Knights. We can send out 1,000 text messages per month or about 6 texts per month. You cannot respond to these texts. Currently, we already send e-mails on a regular basis to the member Knights. Our e-mails are about 38% effective per Jorge. The Knights are also invited to attend our General Membership monthly meetings. All these cell numbers have to be entered into our databases.


            FAMILY OF THE MONTH:  Miguel and Darlene Hernandez

            KNIGHT OF THE MONTH:  Daniel Kendall


PRAYER REQUESTS and CLOSING PRAYER by KG –We prayed for the cousin of David Ybarra, first responders, 911 dispatchers, and other prayer requests.

CLOSING ODE:  All Knights

Meeting Drawing:  Ticket 376    $34 Ed O’Brien

50/50 Membership Drawing:  not done

Must be Present to win the 50/50 Membership Drawing

Meeting Adjourned 8:10 pm