Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world. Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect and defend.

Through new member onboarding, email newsletter, and the digital Catholic Information Service library, gain access to e-books, videos, and prayer guides to help you grow in faith. Our faith formation resources cover topics from how to pray the rosary to how to interact with media and technology as a Catholic.
Boasting more than 1 million readers, Columbia Magazine is the award-winning flagship publication of the Knights of Columbus. Each month, members receive a printed copy that shines a light on the issues that matter the most to Catholics.
As a Knight, enjoy access to our highly rated insurance program. Every Knight has a dedicated brother Knight field agent assigned to him and his family and is entitled to a complimentary annual financial review. Knights are eligible to purchase KofC life insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance and annuity products, all backed by our ethical and faith-first business practices.
Knights give back to their communities and those in need around the world. Our charitable programs such as Coats for Kids, Food for Families, the Ultrasound Initiative and the Christian Refugee Relief Fund answer Pope Francis’ call to serve those at the peripheries. We also partner with organizations like Special Olympics.
Joining the Knights of Columbus, you become part of the largest Catholic fraternity in the world. As you grow in faith, you are supported by a true brotherhood built on shared values — and on a shared desire to be the men God has called you to be. Join your local council for even more support from Catholic men in your own neighborhood.
When you join the Knights of Columbus, you join 2.1 million men around the world who stand up for our Catholic faith in the public sphere. You’ll get access to the information you need to stay informed and make an impact in matters of life, family, and religious liberty.
Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” For the Knights of Columbus, charity means supporting a virtually boundless variety of projects. Our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action.
None of us is as good as all of us. Members of the Knights of Columbus all know that – together – we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. So we stick together…we support one another.
Blessed Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program was born.
Members of the Knights of Columbus, be they Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans, Filipinos, Poles, or Dominicans, are patriotic citizens. We are proud of our devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up for both.
The qualifications for Knights of Columbus membership, as contained in Section 101 of the Laws of the Order, are:
Only practical Catholics in union with the Holy See shall be eligible and entitled to continue membership in the Order.
An applicant for membership shall not be less than 18 years of age on his last birthday.