knights of columbus


The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Year extends from July 1st to June 30th the following year. An Officer's term is typically a one year term but it's common for members to be reelected two years in a row.

Grand Knight

Mike Fitzgerald

The Grand Knight presides over all meetings and is tasked with enforcing the rules and regulations of the Council and the laws of the order, and is chairman of the Board of Trustees. He appoints all directors and committee members. He acts as chaplain in the absence of the regular chaplain. He is responsible for the overall success of this council’s activities. Mike has been a stellar performer for the past many years including Knight of the year for 2010-2011. Mike held the office of Treasurer for many years; he is active in most every Knight activities. Mike is dependable, courteous, respectful of other feelings and completely and utterly honest.

Grand Knight

As grand knight, by virtue of your office, you and a duly elected delegate from your council, along with the grand knights and delegates from each council in your jurisdiction, compose the state council. The grand knight and delegate, or their alternates, elect state officers, elect delegates to the annual Supreme Convention and vote on resolutions presented to the annual state convention. It is extremely important for you and the delegate from your council to attend and participate in the proceedings of the convention. By taking an active role, you will ensure a stronger future for your council and jurisdiction and the overall good of the Order.

  • Presides over all meetings
  • Appoints program and membership directors
  • Appoints committees as needed
  • Countersigns checks and orders for payment
  • Responsible for the council’s Ceremonial Team
  • Maintains working relationships with the council’s chaplain, district deputy, insurance agent, as well as with other local service organizations (ie. food pantries, soup kitchens)


Grand Knight Responsibilities

Council Audit

The Semiannual Council Audit Report (#1295) for the period ending June 30 is due at the Supreme Council by Aug. 15; the period ending Dec. 31 is due by Feb. 15. The council trustees and the grand knight should complete the audit and send it to: Knights of Columbus, Council Accounts, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326. The reports can be found at in the For Members section.

All three sections of the Semiannual Council Audit Report (#1295) must be completed, and the audit must be signed by the grand knight and at least two trustees. If an entry is not applicable, the word “none” should be inserted on the line. Failure to complete any section or affix required signatures will necessitate return of the report to the grand knight.

  • Schedule A — Membership
  • Schedule B —
    • Cash Transactions — Financial Secretary — “Cash on Hand Beginning of Period”
    • Cash Transactions — Treasurer — The “Cash on Hand Beginning of Period”
    • Audit Procedures for Schedule B
  • Schedule C — Assets and Liabilities
    • Assets
    • Liabilities
    • Other Assets
  • Council Budget
  • Membership Procedures
    • New Member
    • Juvenile to Adult
    • Reinstatement
    • Readmission
    • Reactivation
    • Reapplication
    • Transfer
    • Withdrawal
    • Suspension — NonPayment
    • Death
    • Disability — Relief from Payment
    • Suspension — Lack of Practical Catholicity
    • Suspension — Felony Conviction
    • Suspension — Misconduct
  • Membership Procedures — Transferring Online Members
  • Candidate Tab — Entering Member Information Online
  • Officers Online — Grand Knight Section
  • Ceremonial Guidelines
  • Financial Secretary Evaluation


For a complete description of the Grand Knight role, download the Fraternal Excellence Guide below:

Download Fraternal Excellence Guide