Keith Archer – May 2018

Keith Archer - Gym Set Up 2018
Keith helping during gym set up for the rummage sales.

Keith & Mary Archer - Awards Dinner 2018 - 44 of 47
The Archers at the Awards Dinner.

Keith is one of those new members who has hit the ground running. That can happen when someone joins while we’re staffing the Cedar Hill youth baseball concession stands during the spring season. He and Mary, his wife of 29 years, got acquainted with the snow-cone machine and other aspects of the Valley Ridge stand both during the last weeks of the regular season and the four-day Class A World Series that was held in late June. Keith grew up in Oklahoma City and came to the Dallas area for work in his mid-20s. He’s a project manager for Weldon Parts, his employer for the past 35 years. He spends most Saturdays participating in the Catholic ministry that’s held at the Lew Sterrett Justice Center in downtown Dallas. “It changes you a little bit,” he said of participating in Mass at the jail. “It’s changed me.” The Archers met through Holy Spirit’s singles group, playing volleyball in the gym. Mary works for AT&T in downtown Dallas.