Miguel and Darlene Hernandez came in to give blood during our Summer Blood Drive after Mass, accompanied by their two highly spirited young boys, David (4) and Benjamin (2.5). Having come from the St Cecilia parish only a couple of months ago the young family already appears very comfortable in their new surroundings and seems ready and willing to take on a more active role in their community. So it was that when asked to join the Duncanville Knights of Columbus Miguel did not hesitate, since he already is a “guardian” of our community. Miguel works as a Probation Officer with the city of Dallas in one of the most challenging criminal justice units of the department, where he supervises a caseload of 15-20 sex-offenders. Darlene is no stranger to work stress either as a Property Manager at a local storage facility by day and full time mom by night. Welcome to the Knights Miguel and Darlene, and David and Benjamin.