New Member – Feb. 2024


Juan Ruiz

Juan Ruiz was born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.  His wife, Silvia, was also born in Mexico but they were married in Arkansas.  Together they have four children – Ari (11), Ian (8), Gio (6), and Dai (1).  These children keep Silvia busy as the homemaker while Juan is making a living driving truck.  He’s not just a truck driver though – he owns and operates his own tractor and trailer.  He is an independent truck driver.  While he owns a sleeper cab truck, he doesn’t use it much because he mostly drives locally and is home most nights.  In the past he owned two trucks; but his second truck was stolen and so now he just operates one truck.  He joined the Knights at the invitation and urging of Adan Luna and now wants to learn more about the Knights and what they do.  He said “I want to help as much as I can but often I am very busy”.  As an independent businessman that is very understandable.  When he’s not on the road he likes to play soccer with his kids. He is also proud to take his family to mass at Holy Spirit.  Welcome aboard, Juan.