Roberto Diaz – June 2018 transfer


Roberto recently reactivated at the urging of Frank Salazar and Tom Greco. He retired as a master sergeant following 24 years in the U.S. Army in 1997 and most recently was a member of the council that serves Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He retired from his most recent civilian line of work, teaching Junior ROTC at Molina High School in Dallas, in 2016. Roberto and his wife of 44 years, Juanita, have been Holy Spirit parishioners since 1999. They’re both from San Antonio. Roberto is a hospitality minister at our 11 a.m. Sunday Mass and is also active around Holy Spirit as an ACTS team member. The Diazes have two grown children; their daughter (living in Trophy Club) has two boys, and their son (living in Plano) has two girls.