July 2, 2013, Number 1
[dropcaps] I [/dropcaps] am honored to have been selected to be your Lecturer. I will try my best to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of that office. I understand I will have about 5 minutes of our meeting time and I will do my best to stay within that limit. I do ask that you bear with me as this first time may take a little longer.
First a little information about myself. I grew up in western New York, on the shores of Lake Ontario. After graduating from high school I enrolled as an undergraduate at Oklahoma State University. Upon graduation I was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the US Army. A bout four and a half years later I came off active duty and began a 10 year stint in retail before starting an 18 year career with Vought Aircraft. I retired from Vought and started another 11 year career with Raytheon. I retired from Raytheon two years ago.
Along the way I managed to acquire a wife, five children and 13 grandchildren. Mary and I have been here at Holy Spirit since the second mass which was held at Duncanville’s Central Elementary School.
Second when asked if I would consider taking the position of lecturer I said I would be honored. I had reason to question just what was expected of the Council’s Lecturer. I first looked in the 1997 edition of the KofC constitution. The duties therein were defined as to “endeavor to devise a means to entertain his council at meetings and to perform such duties as his council may direct.” I have bad news brothers, I am not a “song and dance man.” I do sing in the church choir but the key word is “choir.” I do not do solos unless I happen to be the only base there that day.
The American Heritage Dictionary would lead one to believe that a lecturer is one who “provides information about a given subject to a meeting or class.” After having talked with the District Deputy and the worthy Deputy Grand Knight I believe this is more of what they had in mind when it was suggested the Council select a Lecturer.
So you can look forward to short little bits of information about our order and our faith – and maybe a few other subjects from time to time.
Yesterday, July 1, 2013, was the first day of the 150 anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. The battle raged for three horrific days and has been called the bloodiest battle in American military history. The following fall people gathered to dedicate the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. The address was given by the Honorable Edward Everett. His talk consisted of 13,607 words and lasted two hours. Few remember what he said nor do we really care. He was followed by a rather tall, gaunt bearded man who spoke for a few minutes. Many of us had to memorize what he said because what he said was more than anything Everett offered. There are at least six editions of Lincoln’s dedication and no one knows which if any are exactly what he said. It really doesn’t matter because the ideals he spoke of are far more important than his words. Let us resolve as President Lincoln said that those men did not die in vain but that their sacrifice continues to be honored by this nation and that government of, for and by the people shall not perish.
Jim Russell
Council 8157