St. Joseph’s cookout – May 2017


Dan Murphy, our director of community activities, headed another enthusiastic group of Knights on Saturday, May 13 to prepare and serve a cookout lunch for those who live at St. Joseph’s Residence in Oak Cliff along with their families and friends. That was the Saturday before Mother’s Day, and that’s never a coincidence in the timing. It’s a pleasure for the KC’s to watch as residence and their guests visit and enjoy a break from their routine. Dan was joined by April inductee Eddie Dzurilla, Deacon Al Evans, Larry Balagna, Tony Gonzalez, Andy Goza, Doug Karpan, Efrain Ochoa (and his son, Carlos, who’s heading into his senior year at Texas A&M), Jack Ramsden, Francisco Rodriguez and Jorge Ruiz. Mike Fitzgerald again prepared his secret-recipe baked beans and baked some of the cookies.

About 100 “diners” were served hamburgers, hot dogs, fixin’s, beans, chips and the cookies that must be kept under close watch before it’s time to eat. Father Reuben Chen of St. Elizabeth of Hungary parish just down the road asked the blessing after celebrating Mass in the nearby chapel. It just isn’t a St. Joe’s cookout unless Larry informs guests that the only “price” for the full lunch is a smile. Everybody was served, and there were burgers and dogs left over to leave for future enjoyment. Thanks to assistant director Richard Hohman and to “the boss,” Sister Carolina. She’s one of four Sisters of the Bethlemite Order who live at the home and make it feel like home to everyone. St. Joseph’s was built in 1955 and recently underwent a $320,000 renovation and expansion that was evident during our trip. The main foyer, where the serving line was set up, was expanded by about 300 square feet out toward the courtyard. There’s more room for eating, game playing and just-plain visiting, also with more light coming into the building. Bishop Edward Burns is scheduled to visit St. Joseph’s on Tuesday, May 23 and bless the completed project, which was funded primarily through the generosity of the Catholic Foundation.