We are men who lead, serve, protect and defend, whether we are giving out Coats for Kids, donating wheelchairs, lending a helping hand in disaster relief efforts, supporting local pregnancy centers or providing top-quality financial products.
We are men who lead, serve, protect and defend, whether we are giving out Coats for Kids, donating wheelchairs, lending a helping hand in disaster relief efforts, supporting local pregnancy centers or providing top-quality financial products.
What a joyous evening for the Knights and their significant others at this years’ Annual Appreciation Dinner held on Saturday night March 8, 2025. It all started around 6pm after the 5pm Saturday evening Mass. After conversation, mingling and a little libation, Grand Knight Mike Fitzgerald led us the traditional before meal prayer. Then Mike hippy- hopped into the kitchen where he served brisket and pulled pork to the guests. It should be noted that Mike also cooked and prepared the brisket and pulled pork – the main course of the evening meal. Mike’s wife, Susan, was his co-server (if there is such a word). Sheila and Larry Balagna assisted as well in serving corn and green beans – they had previously prepared a bunch of salad bowls. The entrée was delicious as well as the cake – a yummy chocolate and fluffy white cake. After dinner the lights were turned down and everyone began to mingle and renew old friendships. There were lots of hand-shakes and hugs as everyone enjoyed each other’s company. Many of the guests began to dance – led by Lou and Diane Lemons. There were some pretty fancy dance steps by a large number of guests as the evening progressed.
Through this all, we almost forgot why our council calls this an Appreciation Dinner. The dinner is to recognize and thank the Knights of this council for the many charitable activities the past year. As you all probably know, each year the council contributes a significant amount to the various church ministries and this year the council also made an additional contribution to the parish Capital Campaign. Each year the council sponsors 5 seminarians; twice we provided a cook-out lunch for the St. Joseph’s Assisted Living residents and staff; we provided scholarships to 5 worthy candidates (relatives of a current Knight); we attended numerous Special Olympic events; we provided the parish with fish fries during Lent; we set-up and tore down the midway for the fall festival; we completed numerous Knights Hands projects (over 500 since 2010); we supported Pro-life by buying a table at the Pro-life dinner; we operated a baseball concession stand during the spring and fall baseball seasons to generate money for these various causes; we offered parish breakfasts free of charge; we organized two blood drives during the year, we organized a wheelchair campaign for the needy in foreign countries; we provided a cook-out lunch for the seminarians at Dallas University; we donated money to various state charities as well as international charities. This doesn’t include all the emotional support we provide to our members and widows of members. This council has a lot to be thankful for and appreciative of its members for all the work we provide for the parish community. It is an honor to be called a Knight of Council 8157 and this dinner was just a small token of appreciation to everyone