
We are men who lead, serve, protect and defend, whether we are giving out Coats for Kids, donating wheelchairs, lending a helping hand in disaster relief efforts, supporting local pregnancy centers or providing top-quality financial products.


Categories: New Members
Posted: 07/31/2024 11:13 am by Allen Reitmeier

Jose Angel Garcia Olmedo

Let’s clarify Jose’s name first.  He goes by Jose Garcia but his full name is Jose Angel Garcia Olmedo.  Jose was born and raised in Zacatecas Mexico and came to the United States as an adult.  He attended school in Zacatecas and received his GED here in Dallas.  Jose has been married to Maria Conception for 24 years and together they have 5 children – Alejandra, Daisy. Jose Angel Jr. Rosario, and Isaac.  Together they have been attending Mass starting in 2005 at Santa Clara of Assisi and Holy Spirit since 2016.  Jose helps at the 1pm Mass as a Hospitality Minister.  Jose and his family have lived in Duncanville for the past 9 years.  Jose is his own boss in that he is a self-contractor in the remodeling business.  He plays soccer is his free time along with watching games on television.  Jose was swayed by the convincing words of Adan Luna about the benefits and perks of membership in the Knights of Columbus.  Many of us have already met Jose during the August regular meeting.  Welcome aboard.