The mission of the Awareness Committee is to communicate to our brother Knights and the parish community about upcoming events and past events involving the Knights of Council 8157.
The committee sets abut this task by keeping this informative website updated with fresh content and reports from our service program events; by publishing quarterly Newsletters (in both paper and electronic formats); by maintaining an up to date email list and preparing and sending out email campaigns as they are needed, and by maintaining an up to date calendar of events here on this website. We also maintain a section of the Community Center bulletin board.
Allen Reitmeier originated the Awareness Committee in 2010 and has just recently inherited it back from the long time chairman Jorge Ruiz. Jorge was the webmaster for our website – www.kofc8157.org. He has shaped and molded the website into what it is today – a tool to keep members of this Council informed about what has happened and what is going to happen. Sounds like mission accomplished.