Blood Drives
Many councils conduct regular blood drives in their parishes throughout the year. Typically they coordinate with their area blood donation organizations such as Carter Bloodcare or local hospitals.
General Health Advice for Men Over 40
1. De-Stress
For many men, career, financial, and family pressures can make the 40s and 50s a very stressful time. And stress is a known risk factor for heart disease. Keep in mind, too, that heart disease hits men at a younger age than it does women. In addition, heart disease is the No.1 killer of men ages 45 to 54. Now’s the time to find ways to get that stress off your back, whether it’s regular exercise, yoga, meditation, or stress management classes.
2. Don’t skip the doctor
The women in your life have probably been to the doctor at least once a year since they were in their 20s, even if just for a Pap smear. It’s easy for guys to get out of the habit of routine care. But as you reach midlife, this is one habit you should start, not stop.
3. Deflate the spare tire
Many men tend to gain weight around the middle as they hit midlife. Watch it closely. Studies have found that spare tires trump even general obesity as a predictor of heart disease and diabetes.
4. Don’t forget key screening tests
All men 20 and older should get their cholesterol checked every five years. Everyone 35 years or older should have their blood glucose level evaluated for undiagnosed prediabetes or diabetes. Ask your doctor how often you should be screened for high blood pressure. Colon cancer screening is recommended at age 50 (earlier if you’re at high risk).