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Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program
The KofC Safe Environment Program safeguards children and other vulnerable persons, assures members and their families that we maintain a safe environment, protects members from awkward situations, misunderstandings, and appearances of impropriety, builds trust with arch/dioceses and parishes, and protects the good name of the Knights of Columbus.
The Knights of Columbus Office of Youth Protection has stated that the first requirement of our safe environment program is for our members to be aware of and compliant with Diocesan safe environment requirements applicable to members volunteering in activities on parish property.
Council Compliance Guide (Rev 5/10/2024)
The following criteria must be met for a council to be Safe Environment compliant:
- Email addresses are mandatory to appoint members into ALL roles that have safe environment requirements. Emails must be unique to the member, NOT to ensure that members retain credit for completing their training and background checks.
- There must be a Grand Knight assigned via Form 185 through Member Management.
- The council must have submitted Form 365 Report of Program Personnel or named program personnel via online Member Management.
Watch this video to learn how to submit online.
- On the Form 365 Report, there must be three different members assigned to:
- a. Program Director
- b. Community Director**
- c. Family Director**
- *Grand Knights may only hold one of the additional director roles listed above.
- All roles above must complete the KofC Safe Environment training.
**The Community Director and the Family Director must also provide consent for a background screening (criminal and motor vehicle records).
All members who have access to Officers Online portal may view the safe environment status of their council or jurisdiction each week on the Reports tab.
All officer roles named above must complete the KofC Safe Environment Program training, run by Praesidium Academy. Immediately after the Supreme Council in New Haven receives Forms 185 and 365, Praesidium Academy sends an email with login credentials to the above mentioned officer roles containing their unique Code. The online training may take approximately 60-90 minutes and must be completed within 30 days in order to be compliant. No other reminders will be sent.
- Member Helpline: 203-800-4940 • 855-845-3502 (FAX) YOUTHLEADER@KOFC.ORG
- KofC Youth Protection Helpline: 1-844-563-2723 KOFC.ORG/SAFE
- Office of Youth Protection: 203-752-4558 • 855-845-3502 (FAX) OYP@KOFC.ORG