Appreciation Galore


apprerciationThis past Saturday night, January 19, 2013, was a night to remember for those Knights of Columbus and their guests in attendance at the 4th annual Appreciation Dinner and party held in the Community Center gymnasium. The celebration was initiated and continues each year to thanks all the Knights of the Council for their efforts in making this a better community.  Whether you attend every function throughout the year, or you just pay your yearly dues, all Knights have contributed to the welfare of this community and the welfare of needy people all around the world.    The party began around 6:30pm and after a brief cocktail hour, Father Joe Lee (the Council’s Chaplain) lead everyone in a prayer of Thanksgiving.  The delicious dinner (especially dessert huh?), the abundance of drinks, the DJ and his music, all contributed to an atmosphere of brotherly love and fun.  Don Heitzman, Bob Lamb, Bob Foster and Ralph Harkenrider all received a lifetime achievement award presented by Frank Salazar for their work over the past many years.  Lots of folks danced but none better than Jorge and Kathy Ruiz, David and Veronica Ybarra, and Ray Rivera who were all contest winners.  Steve Reid, Dan Murphy, Ed O’Brien, Billy Callander, Art Senato, and Jack Ramsden were surprise gift winners.  But everyone was a winner simply by being there and knowing that they are part of an organization that care for their own and those in need

Ed O’Brien Bob Lamb Frank Salazar
Don Heitzman Ed O’Brien Frank Salazar