Catechists Appreciation Brunch


A very welcoming scene indeed  as you enter the Catechists' Brunch

[dropcaps] I [/dropcaps] n appreciation of the many people who teach our community’s children the principles of our Catholic Faith, Holy Spirit provided a breakfast/brunch for them and their families. Under the direction of Deborah Garrison, Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator, the Holy Spirit staff planned and decorated the dining room beautifully for approximately 200 people.

Al Alonzo making the home fries for the brunch.
Al Alonzo “Supreme Knight” in a special cameo appearance at the grill to help cook the home fries for the brunch.

The Duncanville Knights were there to provide our culinary talents and professional food service throughout the event. The brunch turned out to be quite a successful event thanks in large part to a great turnout of Knights whom under the watchful eye of Grand Knight Nick Kleinhaus made the cooking and clean up effort seem easy. In attendance were GK Nick Kleinhaus, Al Alonzo, John Espree, Andy Goza, Jack Ramsden, Billy Callender, Mario Ramos, Daniel Rosales, Jesse Radillo, Jim Russell, Doug Skierski and Jorge Ruiz. Thanks to all for your hard work and dedication!

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