Family of the Month – August 2013


Bill and Cindy Dover

Bill Dover stands guard at right at a Corporate Communion Mass

The Dovers appear nearly inseparable, whether serving as ushers at 5:30 Mass on Saturdays, working together in his optometry office in Duncanville or – as was the case in late June – teaming together in the Valley Ridge baseball concession stand. They met in August 1971 while stationed together at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, were married a year later in her home parish near Chicago and came to Duncanville in 1974 in the earliest days of our parish soon after their discharge. Bill followed the example of his father in joining the Knights in June 1964 in Edinburg, Texas shortly after graduating from high school and following membership in the Columbian Squires. He has been a Fourth Degree Knight since 1995 (a former Faithful Navigator) and serves as our District Deputy. Bill has long volunteered for the Catholic Community Appeal, various causes related to Bishop Dunne and was a member of the parish council. He annually organizes the council’s cookout at the VA hospital, an event dear to him. Cindy is a member of Holy Spirit’s outreach ministry and can be found each summer helping set up the Fall Festival rummage sale. She was instrumental in beginning the parish’s grief ministry and has served as a Eucharistic Minister to the sick and home bound. The Dovers have one child, Katie, who is married to our own Deputy Grand Knight, Nick Kleinhaus, with one grandchild (Will).



Cindy Dover at one of the many church activities she attends.



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Deputy Grand Knight Nicholas Kleinhaus and wife Kathie.

