Family of the Month – February 2012

Brenda and Marce Tebbe

This is sort of a “two Catholics walked into a bar” story that will explain how Brenda and Marce Tebbe, our Family of the Month for February, met in the winter of 1998. Brenda was living in northern Illinois but staying at her mother’s home in southern Illinois while recuperating from surgery. Brenda’s brother, Barry, wanted her to meet his friend Marce. Barry initially invited Brenda to come along to his regular poker night, which she deter-mined she wasn’t physically up to. Barry then convinced Marce to stop in at a local pub called “The Elevator,” allegedly to practice for an upcoming competition in a pool league. Brenda agreed to go along with Barry and his wife and, when she first saw the smiling Marce, thought, “This might not be such a bad idea.” (It helped that he was sitting on a stool next to the heat register, and she was freezing.) They kept in touch after she returned home, and the rest is history. Since coming to Dallas in the late 1990’s, they have been actively involved in parish life. They are involved in RCIA, regularly help with Faith Formation and Community Life needs, are front and center in Pro Life activities and were part of the parish contingent that went to Honduras in March. Their recent retirements have only increased their commitment to Holy Spirit.