Family of the Month – July 2011

Veronica and David Ybarra

The summer schedule for David and Veronica Ybarra, 8157‘s Family of the Month for July, featured a trip throughout the Southwest. That included stopping in to see family and old friends in El Paso. David graduated from Riverside High School, and Veronica went to Jefferson. They met as teenagers when David attended a party being thrown by Veronica‘s older sister, who lived behind the Ybarras. They had been dating for a couple years when David decided he needed to make it clear how he felt. Actually, Uncle Sam influenced the timing of that decision. David had enlisted in the Army after high school, was stationed at nearby Fort Bliss and was about to be transferred. Time was of the essence. While at a drive-in movie, he asked Veronica to marry him. Then came the hard part – asking her father for permission. “That was pretty nerve wracking,” he recalled, “but I did it.”  We‘ve seen David hard at work for the Knights and know he‘s one determined guy. He and Veronica are regulars contributing to parish life (such as cooking at various council functions) and helping throughout the community (their regular trips to area nursing homes). They live in Waxahachie and have literally gone out of their way to attend Holy Spirit for the past nine years. We‘re glad they do.