Al and Sally Alonzo, among the founding families of the parish back in 1974, are our Family of the Month for October. Al joined the council a few months ago along with the couple’s younger son, Allen. Al has become a regular at pancake break-fasts, cookouts and recently joined the Awareness Committee in launching the council’s Facebook page. The Alonso’s almost always attend daily Mass, serve as Eucharistic Ministers and Zone Shepherds and are active in the parish’s Fil-Am Group. Al was on the parish’s first building committee under Fr. Bob Sykora. The Alonso’s came to Duncanville in 1973 from Illinois when Al joined the Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s newly created new construction division. They were brought together by faith (indirectly) in 1965 back in the Philippines; Sally was a senior at the University of Santo Tomas’ college of commerce, and they met at a meeting of the Student Catholic Actions movement. They were married that year and came to the United States in 1969. The Alonso’s left Texas later in the ‘70s when the AAFES sent Al to Europe, which enabled them to visit Rome and the Holy Land among other stops. They returned to Duncanville in 1991 and retired in 2004. Their older son, Vincent, is married and lives