Knights Cook for St. Joseph Residents


Eleven Knights from this Council spent the Saturday morning of October 13th, 2012 cooking and entertaining the residents of St. Joseph’s assisted living residence located on West Prembroke Avenue in Oak Cliff.  Chris and Trevor Edwards, Dan Murphy, Frank Salazar, Andy Goza, Pat May, Art Senato, Marce and Brenda Tebbe, Mike Fitzgerald, Tim Hart and Al Alonzo did the work and all agreed that they received more than they gave.  This group served approximately 42 residents along with staff and family members of the residents for a total in excess of 80 people.  It was the usual fare of hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixings; but a special treat this time with “extra special” beans cooked by Mike Fitzgerald and a special cookie dessert brought along by Mike Fitzgerald as well.

Frank Salazar, Tim Hart, Chris Edwards, Trevor Edwards and Art Senato.

It was also the occasion to “test drive” the newly renovated grill.  Thanks to the efforts and generous contribution of time and materials by Chris Edwards, the Knights showed off a “jazzed” up grill for the first time.

Come join the Knights at the next cook out at the St. Josephs’ residence around Mother’s day 2013.  Watch here for the announced date and time.