Pro-Life Ace Wings Award


Pro-Life Ace Wings Award

[dropcaps] A [/dropcaps] s Catholics, Knights of Columbus have the responsibility to work for the common good of society. Our Holy Father has called us to be Pro Life, from conception to natural death. The Pro Life movement needs witnesses to act through personal involvement and daily actions. We might call this “Pro Life Warriors”. A Pro Life Warrior participates in Pro Life Masses, 40 Days for Life, Pro Life Rosaries, Sidewalk Counseling, Pro Life Walks or Processions, etc. All of these activities and many more qualify for the PRO LIFE ACE WINGS AWARD. What better way to publicly announce that you are Pro Life than to wear a set of Pro Life ACE Wings. ACE stands for: Pro-Life without Apology, without Compromise, and without Exception.

The ACE Wings are 2” wide and 5/8” high and are metallic.  The “Precious Feet” are the exact size and shape of an unborn baby’s feet at 10 weeks after conception.


Requirements for Receiving the Pro-Life ACE Wings Award

A minimum of 5 public Pro-Life events are required to qualify for the Texas State Council Pro-Life ACE Wings Award:

  1. 4 out of the 5 must have to do with the unborn (see suggestions below)
  2. The 5th item can also deal with the unborn or it can be an item such as:
    a. Special Olympics Volunteer
    b. Providing entertainment, working/volunteering at a hospice, nursing home, or Veterans hospital
    c. Being part of any of the American Wheelchair Mission events

Suggestions of Pro Life Activities

  • Pro-Life Masses Sidewalk Counseling* 40 Days for Life*
  • Volunteer at Crisis Pregnancy Center* Pro-Life Parades Hike For Life
  • Pro-Life Rosary Processions Pro-Life Award Dinners
  • Pro Life Presentations to Youth* Rosaries Outside Abortion Clinics*

Blood Money, the Business of Abortion

In an attempt to truly educate, inspire, and motivate the Knights of Columbus in Texas Tom Clark the State Pro Life Chairman for the Texas State Council of the Knights of Columbus has made viewing the movie, “Blood Money, the Business of Abortion”, a key part of the ACE Wings Award for the 2013-2014 fraternal year.

By watching the movie in its entirety all 5 requirements for the ACE Wings Award will have been met. (Of course you can do additional items if you like, and you really should do 5 events if possible). Tom Stated, “I believe that no person can watch this movie without being stirred to act further to bring about the end of abortion and to work hard to save the lives of the unborn”.

There are 2 ways in which to view the movie.

  1. A Council buys the rights to the movie and has a public showing inviting the Council and the Parish(s) that the Council is associated with. (Most desirable)
  2. An individual buys a copy of the movie and watches it in the privacy of his home (Least desirable)

I am happy to announce that the following Knights and some of their spouses have met the requirement by viewing the documentary, “Blood Money, the business of abortion” in its entirety, on Thursday April 3rd at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.

Juan M Chapa, Jim Russell, Mary Russell, Doug Karpan, Jim Kowalski, Gerald A Jacob, Andy Goza, Susan Goza, Al Alonzo, Allen Alonzo, Alex Sabo, Michael Luna, John Espree, Marcus Jones (Gene), Jean Jones, Greg Warr, Debbie Warr, Jorge Ruiz, Larry Dumais, Russell Gully, Patricia Gully, Dan Murphy, Pat Murphy, William (Randy) Reetz, Michael Moloughney.

Mike Moloughney
Pro-Life Director
Knights of Columbus Council 8157