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Clergy Appreciation Dinner Invitation

Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 6:30 PM

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Community Center



Monsignor James F. Burnes, Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly 2799


  • Council 8157—Holy Spirit CC Duncanville
  • Council 7017—Holy Cross CC Dallas
  • Council 3593—St. Elizabeth of Hungary CC Dallas
  • Council 12484—St. Francis CC Lancaster
  • Council 13322 –St. Cecilia CC Dallas

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Pope Benedict greets Dallas Diocese Bishop Kevin Farrell during his visit to the Vatican
Pope Benedict greets Dallas Diocese Bishop Kevin Farrell during his visit to the Vatican
Dallas Diocese Auxiliary Bishop Douglas Deshotel
Dallas Diocese Auxiliary Bishop Douglas Deshotel


Fr Joseph Lee
Fr Joseph Lee
Fr Tuan Le
Fr Tuan Le
Deacon Paul Wood
Deacon Paul Wood
Deacon Al Evans
Deacon Al Evans
Deacon Charles Ruelas
Deacon Charles Ruelas
Deacon Leslie Alt
Deacon Leslie Alt

The Most Reverend Kevin J. Farrell, Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas, Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel, all pastors, parochial vicars, deacons and wives, and sisters/nuns who provide spiritual direction to our families and community. The Appreciation Dinner is to honor our clergy and express our most sincere appreciation for the spiritual guidance and leadership that they display in ministering to our growing Catholic community in our southern part of the Dallas Diocese.



In keeping with the spirit of Thanksgiving and appreciation to our clergy, we will provide a seasonal, traditional menu of roast, fried, and smoked turkey with all of the trimmings, including beverages, soft drinks, coffee and various desserts.


The cost is $20.00 per person attending, with the exception of our clergy who are our guests. Tickets will be provided to all Councils listed above and I encourage all Grand Knights from those Councils to contact their pastors and Deacons on a most immediate basis so that we can begin finalizing preparations.


It is important to note that this is not a celebration for Knights of Columbus brothers and Sir Knights only. Everyone from those parishes listed above is invited to attend and join us in honoring our clergy for all the good they do for us. I trust that I can count on the personal commitment of every Grand Knight and respective Councils in making this a successful and memorable event. For this to occur, we must have a large turnout from every Council, so please give this event your most personal commitment.

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If anyone wishes to contact me personally, or have any questions that I may be able to answer, please contact me at the following:

Home phone: 972 230 6839
Cell phone: 214 952 1257

Vivat Jesu!!

James H. Richardson, Faithful Navigator
Monsignor James F. Burnes Assembly 2799