Supporting Our Vets

Knights of Council 8157 at the VA Med Ctr Dallas Fall 2014 Cookout
Knights of Council 8157 at the VA Medical Center Dallas Fall 2014 Cookout

The Fall VA Cookout

IMG_2990On Saturday Nov 8th our council, under the direction of Commander Dan Murphy, US Navy Ret., attended our bi-annual cookout at the VA Medical Center in Dallas. Several resident veterans and members of the outpatient substance abuse programs the VA Medical Center provides, came to dine on the burgers, hot dogs and baked beans provided by our council as a small token of our appreciation for their military service to our country.

Among the Knights from Council 8157 were Community Director Dan Murphy, GK Nick Kleinhaus, past GK Frank Salazar, DD Bill Dover, Dan Goza and daughter Madison, Abel Lugo and daughter Daniella, Mike Fitzgerald, Tom Greco, Jack Ramsden, Al Alonzo, Allen Alonzo, Jim Richardson, Ray Rivera, Francisco Hernandez, Jim Stavinoha, Art Rodriguez, Cris Valdez, Gilbert Zuñiga Jr., Doug Karpan and Jorge Ruiz.


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