Following the lead of Italian chef Art Senato, council members prepared and served a bellissimo spaghetti dinner to a gathering of 190 people on Saturday evening, Feb. 23 to help the parish’s youth ministry fund a mission trip to Tennessee next June. It was Art and his fellow co-director for council youth activities, Larry Dumais, who concocted the fund-raising idea months ago when the parish youth were originally looking ways to defray costs for a trip to Honduras. When federal policies made that trip impossible, the excursion was simply rerouted to Chattanooga’s “Alive in You” program and the meal went on as scheduled. Devyn Scheuch, Holy Spirit’s director of youth and young adult ministry, said the dinner raised more than $2,000. “I’m so grateful for everything the Knights did for the event,” said Devyn, who especially thanked Larry, Art and Grand Knight Frank Salazar.
Other Knights who participated included Andy Goza, Bob Lamb, Tom Greco, Juan Chapa, Ken Struck (and wife Diane), Jack Ramsden (and wife Juanita), Al Alonzo, John Espree, Ed O’Brien and Jorge Ruiz. A group of about 25 teen volunteers decorated the gym in “modern Macaroni Grill” motif, complete with crayons and white-paper table coverings. (While that was mostly for the amusement of kids, one table was adorned with “The Choir Ate Here.”) We’ll be thinking of our youth on their trip next summer.