Documentation by “Themoholics“

“ChurcHope” - WordPress Theme

Created: 03/10/2012
By: Themoholics

Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us via form at the bottom of this page. Thanks so much!

Theme Installation

Install your WordPress theme

Theme Configuration


We've made a builtin buttons at editor with theme shortcodes for better usability. Learn more

Theme translation

Our theme is translation ready. You can translate it to any language or even set multiple languages. Learn more


Package structure PSD Files Sources & Credits

Theme Installation - top

Theme was made for Wordpress 3 and newer versions. Make sure that you're not using version below 3, otherwise upgrade your Wordpress version if it is possible ( ).

In two words, you need to upload "Churchope" folder from our archive to your hosting into wp-content/themes directory (wp-content/themes/Churchope that's how it should be look like). Or you can use "Install theme" function from dashboard and choose for upload "" that located at root of our archive. After that activate Theme from Wordpress admin panel by clicking " Themes" in "Appearance" section, which is located on the left side. After activation you'll be redirected to your theme settings page. More detailed instruction below.


First of all you choose the method which suits you most – via  WP dashboard or FTP.

The easier method is via WP dashboard but there are certain situations when it is impossible so we are going to name both.

1.Installation via FTP

a) Use the simple download-extract scheme for the theme. There is an important point here: be sure you keep the original structure of the directories after decompressing the archive. Most often the authors of the theme add guidelines for installation. Follow them.

b) Most often a theme archive already contains needed structure of directories ready to upload your theme on your host web server after extracting.

Upload to wp-content/themes/ folder with theme files on your host web server using an FTP client to access.

c)Transfer the extracted theme files.

There are two ways of getting files onto your site, and once there, changing them.

By using your cPanel, or whatever file manager is provided by your host.

By using an FTP or SFTP client. You can learn how to use FileZilla here.

2.Installation via WP  dashboard

a) Installation of the Theme via WP dashboard starts naturally with logging on to the WP
administration panel.

b) Select “Appearances” at the left panel and then choose “Themes”.

Gettings started with WordPress

c) Click “Install Themes”.

Gettings started with WordPress

d) Press Upload in the upper sub menu to install downloaded earlier archive of your Theme.

Gettings started with WordPress

The final  step is Activation

1.Enter the  WP Administration Panel in your blog

2.Select the name or a screenshot of a Theme you wanted to activate in Appearances panel/Themes.

Gettings started with WordPress

3.A preview window with your theme will open. Check if it looks properly.

4.You will see  Save & Activate + name of your theme in the upper left corner.

Gettings started with WordPress

5. Activation complete.

Known problems when installing the theme

1.The “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error is most common when you install or activate a new theme.

However that doesn’t necessarily mean that the theme was actually broken or the so important part is missing. It would  rather mean that the theme was just uploaded to the server incorrectly and missing stylesheets are not missing but got to the wrong folder when downloading and unzipping.

Here are some tips how to fix that:

a. After downloading and unzipping open the final theme folder. Inside there will be  the actual theme folder. The actual theme folder is where  the “ style.css” file is.

b. You must upload only the actual theme folder to your WordPress host. Our advice is to double check.

c. Enter your WordPress admin panel and activate your new theme.

Summing up, the destination /wp-content/themes/themename/themename/style.css  is incorrect and is the reason of “ Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message.
It  must look like /wp-content/themes/themename/style.css

2. Problems with uploading via WP admin panel due Upload limit.

You may check your file upload limit on Your Media Uploader page in WordPress. Depending upon the web hosting company and the conditions of the service they provide it may vary. The most common is about 8 MB which is more or less enough. But uploading some media files like audio and video may become a problem with for example 2 MB upload limit.

We decided to share some tips about how to extend your maximum file upload size in WordPress

1. Through functions.php file:

You may add the below mentioned code in the functions.php file of your theme

@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );
@ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');
@ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

2. Through PHP.INI file:

If you cannot see the php.ini file in your directory create the new one with below mentioned code and upload it to your root folder on your web server.
If you can see the php.ini file then change parameters or add :

upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M 
max_execution_time = 300

In case that tip does not work with 64MB, try it with 10MB.

3. Through .htaccess method

You may try modifying the existing .htaccess file in the root directory or creating a new one.
Add the following code in the existing or new htacess file:

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M 
php_value post_max_size 64M 
php_value max_execution_time 300 
php_value max_input_time 300

You can reset all of the setting for the each page on our custom panel by clicking "Reset" button on the bottom.

After installing theme you get clean WordPress installation. Our theme does include dummy content!

Warning! DO NOT INSTALL dummy data on your live website. It will corrupt your existing data. We suggest you install dumy data only on clean WordPress setup.

General options - top

Our theme has a lot of options. Please, read this help file to the end to avoid wrong setup.

General settings - top

Navigate to Theme Options -> General page at your Dashboard. On this page you can change some general settings related to the entire site.

Google Fonts - You can choose font for headings from huge google web fonts library the one that you like most.

Disable google fonts - Disable google fonts for whole website. After that headings will be in "Arial".

Favicon URL - you need to type full URL to your favicon.ico (i.e.: Favicon is a small icon that browsers use for your website to make it more recognizable, for example in your bookmarks. If a website has a favicon then you will usually see it to the left of the address bar.

Color settings - Here you can set any colors for content text, headings and links.


Navigate to Theme Options -> Header page at your Dashboard. At this page you can set logo image, or disable logo.

You can upload custom logo image, to do this click "Choose File" button, and browes for your logo image in popup.

You can switch off Image and Text for your logo in case you dont wish to use it.

Upload Logo Image - You can upload your custom image for logo.

Hide Logo Image - Hide image and use text instead.

Custom pattern image for header section -You can upload your custom image for top header area background.

Custom pattern image for color header section - You can upload your custom image for colored header area background.

Call to action header ribbon URL - You can set custom URL for call to action ribbon, or leave this field empty to hide ribbon.

Align menu to left - You can align menu to left or to right by turning on or off this option. It is aligned to right by default.

Color settings - Here you can set any colors for header area text & background and text & background for colored area.

Navigate to Theme Options -> Footer page at your Dashboard. On this page you can change some footer settings of our theme.

Widget areas. You can have one widget area in footer with 1-4 columns. You can choose between how many columns you want by selecting number from one of the drop downs. Columns will be stretched to cover the full width of footer area. I.E.: if you have a single widget it will be stretched to the full footer width, if you got 2 widgets, each of them will have a 50% of a footer width.

You can disable the whole row of widgets at footer.

Copyright text. You can setup your copyrights text, which is going to be shown on the left side of the footer.

Google Analytics - you can add your Google Analytics code here.
You can sign up for free here After setting up your account you will be given a tracking code.

Colors Setting For Footer Area - you have 6 color picker to customize colors for footer text and backgrounds.

Setup content - top

At this chapter you can find how to setup different content types, such as: post, page, galleries, slideshows, events, testimonials.

Posts - top

By default all of your posts will be displayed at the main page of your site. You can organize your posts using categories and tags.

Navigate to Theme Options -> Blog page at your Dashboard. On this page you can change some blog settings of our theme.

First two options controls position of sidebar for blog listings (blog, category, tag, search result, archive listings.) and which instance of sidebars to use. Our theme is scalable and can be used with or without sidebars.

Sidebar position for blog listing - where the sidebar should be placed: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for blog listing - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at blog page. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars

- this option allow to swith from excerts to full content for blog listings.

For single post page you can customize next options:

Disable author box - this option removes author box from post page.

Same as for the blog page, you can control position of sidebar for post page and set what instance of sidebars to use. Our theme scalable and can be used with or without sidebars.

Sidebar position for single post - where the sidebar should be placed: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for single post - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at single post page. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars

Single post page settigns - top

Title Area settings

Title additional text - you can set here additional text at the top of the page, opposite page title.

Under title sidebar instance - You can turn on additional widget area between header and content and set your sidebar here.

Layout Type - You can set what sidebar to use individually for each post/page and choose layout (left, right or full width).


Slideshow Options

You can set slideshow for any post/page, simply choose slideshow type and category in "Slideshow Options" block below the editor at the post page.

Slideshow effect options

You can set speed, timeout and other setting for slideshow sepcifically for this page.



Post tags & categories - top

You can set lots of custom settings for tags and categories.

You can set custom slideshow, and adjust slideshow effects. Set Sidebar and layout, amount of post previews displayed per page.

Pages - top

You can make simple pages and our theme have a few layout templates. You can choose which layout to use for current page from "Template" dropdown, when you create or edit page. Look at the right sidebar (when you edit page) for next option box:

You can set LeftSidebar & RightSidebar layouts for your pages. Default template - full width page layout


Slideshow Options

You can set slideshow for any post/page, simply choose slideshow type and category in "Slideshow Options" block below the editor at the post page.

Slideshow effect options

You can set speed, timeout and other setting for slideshow sepcifically for this page.

Setup Frontpage - top

You need to create page that will be used as front page content.

After creating page you need to change settings for your WordPress listing. Go to Settings -> Reading at your Dashboard and set options as shown below.

Choose "A static page" and set pages for front and posts pages.


Slideshows - top

Our theme has custom posts type for slideshow posts. You can create/edit posts for slideshow and organize them using categories.

For each post you need to assign feature image. You can set link for each slide or feature image (depends on slideshow type).

You can set the slideshows globally, for all pages.


Create a slide - top

To create a slide, goto Slideshows->Add New

1. Set featured image. This will be your slide image.

2. Set category for slideshow (create new if you don't have any). Create different categories for different slideshows.

3.  You can set link on this slide here.


There are lots of options to setup a slide:

Slide layout - this is the main options for slide, you can set image to right and content to left and vice verca. Or you can choose to display only image. By defaut content area for slideshow is limited, but you can make it full width, so if you have 1920 monitor resolution it will cover all area.

Inner content align - this option allow you to separately align inline content ( title, description and button).

Hide title - By default slide title is you post title. You can hide your post title and add it in content for example using html tags.

Hide feature image frame for content - You need this option if you want to display transparent png for example.

Text for call to action button - If you leave this option empty, there will be no button in slide.

Use feature image as background of slide - By default slide is divided to two parts, where one is image and other content. You can place image on background to make it behind the description and title.

Background image width - Fixed means that image is going to be displayed only inside the content area. Fluid means that is will cover full browser width.

Background image repeating, Background image vertical position, Background image horizontal position - this options allows you to adjust backgroundimage position and repeating.


Slideshow Global settings - top

Navigate to Theme Options -> Slideshows page at your Dashboard. On this page you can set global settings for slideshows.

At this page you can turn on/off global slideshow. If you set "use global" on your page, post, etc. this settings will be used.

You can set here some basic settings, such as: how many slides to display, what category to use for slideshow, speed, timeout and etc.

Slideshow pause - turn on this option if you want slides to stop on rollover.

- check this option if you want slides to be switched manually only.

Custom Slugs - Also you can set your custom slugs for slideshow post and taxonomie.

Global slideshow settings, category and slide number can be overridden for each pag, post or taxonomies.

Galleries - top

Our theme have a custom posts type for galleries. You can create/edit posts for galleries and organize them using categories.

Global Options - top

First two options controls position of sidebar for galleries listings and which instance of sidebars to use. Our theme is scalable and can be used with or without sidebars.

Sidebar position for galleries listing - where the sidebar should be placed: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for galleries listing - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at gallery category page. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars


For single gallery post you can customize next options:

Sidebar position for single gallery - where the sidebar should be placed for gallery posts: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for single gallery - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at single gallery post. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars


Custom Slugs - Also you can set your custom slugs for gallery post and taxonomy.

- You can add custom icons to display near the title on galleries listing. Now there are 5 available and you can upload your own icons, as much as you need.

Gallery posts settings - top

Don't forget to assign featured image for each portfolio post.


Title Area settings

Title additional text - you can set here additional text at the top of the page, opposite page title.

Under title sidebar instance - You can turn on additional widget area between header and content and set your sidebar here.


Layout Type Yyou can setup sidebar position and which instance of sidebars to use for each gallery post.

Lightbox options - You can set custom link for feature image or enable/disable lightbox.


Gallery options

Live URL option and Live URL button text allows you to add button at the bottom of the portfolio post page, i.e.: with link to your website/project live url. This button also will be used on "Big" gallery layout as additional custom button.

Hide more - "Big" layout gallery also comes with read more button that can be also turned off.

Preview icon - You can choose one of the 5 icons to display near the post title. This will help to understand what content is inside of the post.


Slideshow Options

You can set slideshow for any post/page, simply choose slideshow type and category in "Slideshow Options" block below the editor at the post page.

Slideshow effect options

You can set speed, timeout and other setting for slideshow sepcifically for this page.


Gallery Categories - top

You can set lots of custom settings for categories.

You can set custom slideshow, and adjust slideshow effects. Set Sidebar and layout, amount of post previews displayed per page.

You can also set gallery layout (Big, Medium or small) to use for category listing for example.

Events - top

Our theme have a custom posts type for events. You can create/edit posts for events and organize them using categories.

Events Global Options - top

First two options controls position of sidebar for events listings and which instance of sidebars to use. Our theme is scalable and can be used with or without sidebars.

Sidebar position for events listing - where the sidebar should be placed: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for events listing - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at events category page. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars


For single event post you can customize next options:

Sidebar position for single event post - where the sidebar should be placed for gallery posts: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for single event post - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at single event post. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars


Map settings

Map types - Allow your readers to change the map type (street, satellite, or hybrid)

Scroll wheel zoom - Enable zoom with the mouse scroll wheel

Tooltips - Show marker titles as a "tooltip" on mouse-over

Language - Use a specific for map controls (defaults - browser language). Read Google Maps API docs for more info.

Custom Slugs - Also you can set your custom slugs for events post and taxonomy.

Events posts settings - top

Title Area settings

Title additional text - you can set here additional text at the top of the page, opposite page title.

Under title sidebar instance - You can turn on additional widget area between header and content and set your sidebar here.

Layout Type Yyou can setup sidebar position and which instance of sidebars to use for each event post.

Event date - You can set event date, time and repeating. You can make repeatable event for every sunday for example.

Event map - You can add map to the top of the event post using this option. Simply press "new map" and add you address.

Event additional information- You can add additional information to event post, such as: phone and address, that will be shown on event post and in upcoming events widget.


Events Categories - top

You can set Sidebar, layout and amount of post previews displayed per page.


Testimonials - top

Our theme have a custom posts type for testimonials. You can create/edit posts for testimonials and organize them using categories.

Testimonials Global Options - top

First two options controls position of sidebar for testimonial listings and which instance of sidebars to use. Our theme is scalable and can be used with or without sidebars.

Sidebar position for testimonials listing - where the sidebar should be placed: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for testimonials listing - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at blog page. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars


For single testimonial post you can customize next options:

Sidebar position for single testimonials - where the sidebar should be placed for testimonial posts: at the left, right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for single testimonials - select which of the sidebar you would like to use at single testimonial post. You can learn how to create sidebar here: Setup sidebars


Custom Slugs - Also you can set your custom slugs for testimonial post and taxonomy.

Testimonials posts settings - top

Testimonial options - You can add testimonial signature here.

Layout Type Yyou can setup sidebar position and which instance of sidebars to use for each testimonial post.

Slideshow Options - You can set slideshow for any post/page, simply choose slideshow type and category in "Slideshow Options" block below the editor at the post page.

Slideshow effect options - You can set speed, timeout and other setting for slideshow sepcifically for this page.


Testimonials Categories - top

You can set lots of custom settings for tags and categories.

You can set custom slideshow, and adjust slideshow effects. Set Sidebar and layout, amount of post previews displayed per page.


Navigate to Appearance -> Menu at your Dashboard.

First, create a custom menu because WordPress will not allow you to add, delete, or re-arrange links without at least having one custom menu. Set name for your menu and save it.

To create new menu click at the "+" tab at the top of the page.

Our theme support two custom menu locations - Header menu and Footer menu. You can choose which menu to use for header and footer.

You can add pages or custom link to your menu. To add pages, mark available pages form the left side and click "Add to Menu". To add custom link to your menu, set url and link label, and then click "Add to Menu".

You can drag & drop menu items to place them where you need and make hierarchical structure.

Navigate to Theme Options -> Sidebars page at your Dashboard . On this page you can create sidebars.

Sidebar is just an area where you place your widgets. In our theme you can have sidebar at the left or right side of the page.

Add/remove sidebars

You can create unlimited amount sidebars and add custom set of widgets for each of them.

To create sidebar, go to: Theme Options -> Sidebars, Specify the name and press Add sidebar. After you've created sidebar you can find it at Appearance - > Widgets at the right column. To add widgets drag and drop them from left side to your sidebar at the right side.

For each page, post, gallery post, testimonial post or event post you can choose sidebar from edit page options:


Custom Widgets - top

You can find Widgets at Appearance - > Widgets.
To add widgets drag and drop them from left side to your sidebar at the right side.

Flickr photos
Make your face famous! Show your photos from Flickr anywhere on your website.

Twitter Updates
Now you can show your twitter updates on your website! Make some buzz eh?!

Feedburner Email Subscribe
Form to allow your user subscribe by email on your Feedburner channel.

Contacts form
Fully functional Ajax contact form anywhere at your website.

From Gallery
Shows specified number of posts from galleries category.

Next Event
Countdown timer to your event!

Popular Posts
Show your most popular posts.

Recent Posts
Show latest posts.

Social links
Sweet iconized links for your social networks.

Rotator of testimonial posts.

Upcoming Events
Show you closest events.

Some of the Widgets have settings and may need to be configured after placing them to a widget area or sidebar.

Shortcodes - top

Using built-in shortcodes- top

We've made a builtin buttons at editor with theme shortcodes for better usability .

You can find most of the custom shortcodes buttons at the right side of the editor top bar in Visual mode:

Simply click at one of the shortcodes button at the top of the editor. Edit some setting in popup and then press "insert".

Also fou can find custom buttons for column shortcodes at the top bar of editor in HTML mode:

There are shortcodes to built different columns. Select your text and press one of the column shortcode buttons. For last column at raw you need to use shortcode with type last and after that add "clear" shortcode to remove column "jumps". Else position of columns from next line will depends on the previous columns content.

Shortcodes list - top

Currently we have next shortcodes:

Highlight text

Custom buttons - 3 button styles

Notifications - 4 styles

Separator line

Toggles - 2 styles


Contact Forms builder - you can built any forms

Pricing Table - Nice pricing table for your products

Social icons - Iconized links for your social networks

Share buttons - Share buttons for your content (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest)


Blog listing

Gallery listing - 3 styles and paginated or filterable

Events calendar - 2 styles

Upcoming events

Colums shortcodes

Additional - top

Custom styles - top

Navigate at your Dashboard to Theme Options -> Custom styles.

You can add custom CSS that will be stored at database and won't be overwritten after theme updates. Also you can use these options to overwrite default styles.

You can add CSS rules here.

You need to install WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin to activate breadcrumbs.

After you install it go to SEO -> Internal Links and check first checkbox "Enable Breadcrumbs"

Theme translation - top

Our theme is translation ready. You can translate it to any language or even set multiple languages.

Good article with resources about how to translate WordPress into your language is

Our .PO file located at the root of the theme folder

We suggest you use WPML plugin to make multilanguage site. Our theme is support this plugin.

PSD Files - top

All psd is organized with named layers. You can easily find what you need.

Some Photoshop basics

Scale (size change)

To change size of the buttons, price boxes, etc. Select layer that you want to change, then press ctrl+t and holding left mouse button pressed drag the transformation handles. To change the whole button or pricing plan sizes choose folders. You can change size to all of the buttons and pland at a time if you link them together.

Text change

You can click on top of the text with the Type tool (T). You know your cursor is in the right place when the Type tool's cursor changes to an "I-beam." However, if you click in the wrong place, Photoshop will create a new type layer; in this case, press the Escape key to cancel the new layer. You can change text parameters such as size, kerning etc. in "Character" window, Main menu: Window / Character.

Shape change

Shape is a fill layer linked to a vector mask. You can easily change the fill to a different color, a gradient, or a pattern by editing the shape's fill layer. You can also edit the shape's vector mask to modify the shape outline, and apply a style to the layer.

Visible invisible layers

To hide/unhide layer click on eye icon left to layer name in layers window. To open layers window go main menu at the top of interface Window/Layers.

Add / hide effect

Below the layer name can be effects. If there is arrow right to the layer name that means that this layer has effects. Click on arrow to show/hide effects list.

To hide or show effects on layers click on eye icon left to effect name in layers window.

Link layers

Linking allow you move and change size of all linked layer at a time. Some layers are linked together. To break link choose layer and then press on chain icon between the eye icon and layer name. Do this to all the layers you want to link or unlink.

Duplicate layer

Go to your "Layers" palette, and click on the layer that you want to duplicate.

Go to "Layer" and select duplicate layer. In the pop-up window that opens, give the new layer a name. If the layer you are copying is called "My Layer," call the duplicate something that will make it easily identifiable, such as "My Layer Copy." Click "OK."

Package structure - top

Sources and Credits - top

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. For any questions:

Go To Table of Contents

Thank you for purchase!
Themoholics 2012