On the morning of Saturday January 13th, 7 Knights of Columbus met at the home of Allen Reitmeier to tackle the next Knight Hands project. We all drove from there to the home site. The project involved removing a fallen tree branch from the roof on the home of George (Mark) Dugger located at 1318 Carroll St. in Duncanville. Those Knights who braved a temperature reading of about 27 degrees at 9:00am were: Larry Balagna, Mike Fitzgerald, Ken Raraick, Victor Zaragoza, Tony Almanza, Rod Kinard, and myself. Hector Rubio, the sponsoring Knight, was already at the home site since he practically lives across the street from Mark. The weather turned out to be just right when everyone started working. It wasn’t long, in fact, before many Knights were shedding their first layer of clothing. Everyone jumped right to work with a chain saw (manned by Mike Fitzgerald and Larry Balagna) cutting the branch off the roof while a second saw (manned by Rod Kinard) was cutting another branch that had fallen away from the house roof. Hector Rubio was busy with his chain saw as well cutting down many, many smaller trees in the yard. Ken Rarick and his saw was cutting branches to a length of 4’ so that we could pile the cuttings at the edge of the road. The home owner (Mark Dugger) also helped wherever he could. The rest of us dragged the cuttings to the edge of the road and made this gigantic pile of tree branches now ready for pickup by the City of Duncanville. By 11:15am or so we had the job completed to the happy satisfaction of the home owner. It is amazing how much work can accomplished when everyone pulls together and works as a team. There is no way Mark could have done this work and he could definitely not afford to hire a crew to do this job. Thanks to all who worked on this Saturday morning – you guys rock.