Knights of Columbus and P.I.P.


For the past two years Council 8157 has participated in the Property Improvement Program (P.I.P).  P.I.P is sponsored by the Neighborhood Vitality Commission of the City of Duncanville and the First United Methodist Church of Duncanville.  Each spring and fall residents of Duncanville are invited to submit applications to the Neighborhood Vitality Commission in which they state their case asking for assistance in repairs to their home site.  The purpose of P.I.P is: “to repair the exterior of homes and yards of Duncanville homeowners who cannot make these repairs themselves because of life’s circumstances”.  According to Betty Dunn, coordinator of P.I.P for the United Methodist Church during the last weekend of September and the first weekend of October of 2018,  60 volunteers signed on to help with home repairs at 4 locations.  Volunteer groups included:  First United Methodist Church, Trinity Methodist Church, First Christian Church Phoenix Lodge #648, City of Duncanville employees and the Knight Hands. 

Our council’s task this year was to replace the fence at Pinkie Cotton’s home located at 2102 Blueridge Dr. in Duncanville. 

On October 4th, Jorge Ruiz and Allen Reitmeier bought, loaded, delivered, and unloaded the necessary materials to replace the rails and pickets on approximately 184 ft. of fencing.  That was 480 5” pickets and 70 – 2” X 3”’s.  On Friday morning at 9:30 a group of 7 Knights (Mike Fitzgerald, Jack Ramsden, Jorge Barragan, John Balasa, Allen Reitmeier, Hector Rubio, and David Dybala) demolished the existing fence, straighten and reinforced several steel posts, straighten a number of posts, installed rails clamps, installed the fence rails and installed pickets (one piece at a time).  Time ran out on Friday before we were finished; so on Saturday morning Ray Rivera, Mlke Fitzgerald and Allen Reitmeier finished to job. Including making and installing a new gate.