Family of the Month – June 2020


Wendell and Connie JeanPierre


It all began in the produce aisle of a National Foods store in New Orleans on June 5, 1982. Wendell spotted a woman up ahead from the waist down and was, well, intrigued. After getting close and seeing all of Connie Stampley, he apparently became interested enough to, according to Connie, keep an eye on her throughout the store. Coincidence, maybe, that he was right ahead of her in the checkout line. “You look like a woman who needs insurance,” was his opening line, handing her his business card. She replied he might like a free gym pass and produced her card as executive director at the YMCA. She predicted he’d call her within 40 minutes and it took only 30. They were married the following March and have been together for 37 years. The JeanPierres have lived in DeSoto following Hurricane Katrina and have three grown children living in Cedar Hill, Orlando and Albuquerque and six grandchildren. Wendell wasted no time in getting involved with the Knights; he took his first degree in April 2018, his major degree that June and joined the fourth degree that fall. He serves as our lecturer.