New 4th Degree Knights


Who are these guys?

They are Gamaliel Hernandez, Adan Luna, Allen Reitmeier and Jesse Radillo.  These are the latest Knights from Council 8157 to be inducted into the 4th degree of the Order.  On Saturday September 16th we four guys spent the majority of the day at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Waxahachie during which time we had the opportunity to mingle with other 3rd degree Knights there to be inducted into the 4th degree.  Although not pictured, Fr. Steve – formerly from Holy Spirit was also inducted.  We also prayed and paid homage to all the 4th degree Knights who had passed away during the past year from the 3rd District which included the diocese of Dallas, Ft. Worth and Tyler.  Of course the highlight was the actual induction ceremony where we learned about the high points of the 4th degree.  We learned about patriotism – the principle of the 4th degree.  We learned that a man’s country is not a certain area of land, mountains, rivers and woods, but it is a principle.  Patriotist is loyalty to that principle.  The fourth degree is the highest and most prestigious within the Knights of Columbus.  Sir Knights are dedicated to serving their Church, Country, and our order; standing on the shoulders of those before us.  Sir Knights stand in the Breach to serve, protect, and defend our country. Sir Knight Kenneth D, Franch PFN – Master BJPL Third Texas District bestowed the honor of the 4th degree on sixty  3rd degree Knights this day.  He said “Sir Knights are patriotic men who are shining examples of Catholic American citizen that stand in support of our country.  You will find Sir Knights at Veteran Administration hospitals serving food to other veterans, performing flag retirement ceremonies, serving as honor guards at cemeteries on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, carrying our nation, state and papal flags at the front of parades, standing guard at Brother Sir Knight’s wake and funeral…”  After all the official ceremony we sat down to a yummy dinner.  Mayra Hernandez, Norma Luna, Linda Reitmeier, and Teresa Radillo were also in attendance.