March 5, 2019
The meeting called to order at: 7:30 PM by Grand Knight Tom Greco.
The Grand Knight opened the meeting with an “Our Father” and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers: P = present, EX= excused, A = absent
- Grand Knight: Tom Greco: P
- Dep Grand Knight: Jeff Miller: EX
- Chancellor: Jorge Ruiz: P
- Financial Secretary: Peter Perta: P
- Treasurer: James Smith: P
- Recorder: Jim Russell: P
- Advocate: Russell Gully: P
- Chaplain: Fr. Lee: EX
- Warden: Doug Maddox: P
- Inside Guard: Tony Gonzalez: P
- Outside Guard: Jeff Traub: P
- Trustee (1) Jim Richardson: EX
- Trustee (2) Mike Fitzgerald: P
- Trustee (3) Dan Murphy: P
- The Opening Ode was omitted.
- Minutes of the previous meeting were Approved as published.
- Introduction of new members: None.
Grand Knight’s Report: (Tom Greco)
- Football concessions to continue. We need increased participation by the membership in our concessions program. Last year three members worked football all day every week.
- Eric Conner has volunteered to take over the scheduling for Jeff Miller. Please support Eric as much as possible.
Treasurer’s Report: (James Smith)
- The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Financial Secretary’s Report: (Peter Perta)
- Membership stands at 243.
- Approximately 44% of this year’s dues have been collected.
- Committee of 1000 pins for this year are available.
- All required reports have been submitted
Trustees Report:
- The audit was reviewed prior to submission.
Committee Reports:
Community Activities: (Dan Murphy)
- Two activities are scheduled:
- St. Joseph’s Residence cookout on May 11
- Emergency Responders lunch (we lend equipment) on May 23rd
Knight Hands: (Allen Reitmeier)
- Three projects had been completed since the last meeting.
- The church has requested three roll around book racks for the parish library. One has been completed. We expect to deliver one a month.
- We have been asked to paint a parishioner’s house. It is a major project and will take several knights, but it is a real need.
- GK’s Comment: The latest issue of Colombia has a report that a council in Virginia has instituted their “Knight Hands” program. Possibly a result of the article in Colombia two years ago about our Knight Hands program. Congratulations, Allen
Youth Activities Report: (Mike Moloughney)
- Absent – No report
Pro Life Committee Report: (Mike Moloughney)
- The Bishop’s Pro-Life dinner is scheduled for April 13th.
- We have a protest at Planned Parenthood on West Virginia that same day.
- The movie “Unplanned” is being shown at the AMC complex in north Dallas. Members are encouraged to attend.
Council Activities: (Andy Goza)
- The Appreciation Dinner was successful
First Degree Team: (Tom Greco)
- There will not be a First Degree next week. We have one candidate that needs to meet with the membership committee
Membership Committee Report: (Keith Archer)
- Recruitment Fair will be March 23 and 24. We will need several nights to man the various tables
Retention Committee Report: (Wendell Jean Pierre)
- No report.
Awareness & Safe Environment Report: (Jorge Ruiz)
- The current health flyer is on the web
Church Activities: (James Smith)
- Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The first Fish Fry is this Friday evening. Preparations will start at 3:00 in the kitchen
Concessions Committee: (James Smith)
- Baseball starts March 23 & 24th
Health Committee Report: (Lou Lemons)
- Daylight savings time starts this month.
- The Health Flyer for the month is “The Need for Sleep to be Healthy”
Family Activities: (GK Tom Greco for Jeff Miller)
- Knight of the Month for March is Jorge Ruiz.
- Family of the Month for March is Gerry and Teri Jacob.
Old Business:
- Sacramental Gifts program was discussed.
- Council voted support the program for the balance of this fiscal year.
New Business:
- Jim Stavinoha: suggested that the Council review the officer election process in that it currently takes about 10 years for a new member to move through the election process.
- It was suggested that the Council might wish to impose term limits on officer positions.
Field Agent Report: (Jon Fincher)
- We have a new agent – Jon Fincher. He spoke on the automatic death benefit and that he would like to speak with members to present what is available.
District Deputy Report: (Andy Goza)
- Absent – No Report.
Report of the 4th Degree: (Jim Russell)
- Three new 4th degree knights went through the exemplification in Wichita Falls March 2nd.
- The next Assembly meeting will be a dinner on March 14th. The dinner is open to all Assembly members in good standing and their spouses.
The GK called for the Good of the Order.
Meeting Adjourned at: 9:10 PM
Jim Russell,
Recording Secretary