Council 8157 voted Dallas Diocese Chapter Council of the Year!

DDC 2018 Year End Meeting - 81 of 81
DDC 2018 Year End Meeting - 81 of 81
From left: Tom Greco, Dallas Diocese Auxiliary Bishop Most Reverend Gregory Kelly, Jorge Ruiz, Jeff Miller, Jim Russell and Andy Goza.

The Knights of Columbus Council 8157 was awarded the high honor of “DDC Council of the Year” (out of 60 councils in the Diocese) at the Dallas Diocese Chapter Year End Meeting and Awards Banquet. The sold out event took place at Council 799 Hall in Dallas on Thursday, May 31, 2018. Special guest speaker for the evening was Auxiliary Bishop Most Reverend Gregory Kelly who delivered an inspiring speech about the importance of the Knights of Columbus to the Dallas Diocese, Parishes, and community at large. Immediately after the award was picked up by Deputy Grand Knight Tom Greco, the following video presentation was shown to the audience:

Those in attendance at the banquet from our council were Jim & Lillian Kowalski, Jeff & Frances Miller, James & Judy Smith, Jim Russell, Tom Greco, Andy Goza and Jorge Ruiz.

Tom Greco, Deputy Grand Knight receives award on behalf of Council 8157
Tom Greco, Council 8157 Deputy Grand Knight receives award for DDC Council of the Year from the President of the Dallas Diocese Chapter Gary Labac, while Bishop Kelly standing in back looks on.

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