Knight Hands and PIP


As the thirteenth anniversary of Knight Hands approaches, the pride and joy of our council is still going strong.  Their latest project was participating in PIP (Property Improvement Program).  PIP is a bi-annual effort to help citizens in the city of Duncanville by effecting repairs to their homes.  Each spring and fall citizens of Duncanville can submit an application to receive assistance to upgrade the exterior of their home as well as their grounds.  This spring PIP repaired 8 homes.  The driving force of PIP is the 1st United Methodist Church here in Duncanville – particularly Betty Dunn.

The old rickety fence

This spring Knight Hands took on the project of replacing about 80’ of wooden fence in the back yard of Sarah Chapman’s home located on Flamingo Way here in Duncanville.  The preparation work began a few weeks ago as David Dybala, Director of Knight Hands, assessed the job, determined what materials and tools were needed and recruited a group of men.  Then on the morning of Saturday April 29, 2023 nine Knight Hands gathered at the home site and began work on replacing the fence.  The old rotted, leaning, ugly fence was completed demolished and the pieces carried to the edge of the street for pick-up by Republic Services.  Then the leaning posts were all straighten and re-cemented in the ground.  While this was being done the new stringer were lagged onto the steel posts.  Once the stringer were installed the new fence slats were nailed onto the stringers.  There were about 240 such fence slats to be installed and with the help of pneumatic nail guns, the task went smoothly and quickly.  Looking at the surface of this job, you’d think it would take a couple days to complete this task – but not with Knight Hands on the job.  These nine noble Knights finished this daunting job in about 4 hours. 

Jack Ramsden, Jesse Radillo, David Ybarra and Carmelo Gonzalez installing stringers

Steve Zehnder mixing cement to straighten posts
David Ybarra, David Dybala and Dan Murphy install slats
More slats being installed by Jack Ramsden and Camelo Gonzalez with David Dybala looking on

While it was certainly rewarding to the homeowner to have a new fence, Knight Hands were also rewarded with warm feelings knowing they had helped someone in need in our community.  Working together is a reward in itself.  Two Knight Hands commented that “It was fun working with the brothers in the Knights of Columbus.  We got it done”.  Another said “Glad to be of service to the community”.  It is a testament to kind and charitable hearts of these men who took a Saturday morning of their life and gave it to someone that they had never met before.  Our council is very proud of the work that Knight Hands performs in our community and sincerely thank you as well.  The nine Knight Hands were:  Larry Balagna, David Dybala, Carmelo Gonzalez, Efrain Ochoa, Dan Murphy, Jesse Radillo, Jack Ramsden, David Ybarra, and Steve Zehnder.  You guys rock. 

Looks good Huh?