Ramping Up


Ramping Up

During the past 12 years Knight Hands has built 8 handicap ramps in the surrounding communities.  Some were very intricate – remember Precious Bell and Hector Rubio?  Each ramp constituted a major improvement in the life of those affected.  And so it was with the latest ramp constructed on June 3, 2022 by Efrain Ochoa, Jack Ramsden, Hector Rubio and myself (Allen Reitmeier).  Donna Castro has had a difficult month coping with hospitalization and loss of her left leg.  She asked for help from Knight Hands and about 8am on a warm Friday morning we set to work erecting her ramp.  Dan Murphy had helped the previous day as we gathered the materials and did some pre-cutting of materials as well.  The work proceeded as planned with very few difficulties (we did run out of 3” screws but Hector Rubio soon came back from Home Depot to refill our screw container).

The ramp consisted of a 3’ by 5’ landing area which was attached to the existing concrete porch floor and then a 15’ slanted ramp attached to this landing.  Nearly all of our pre-made and pre-cut material fit just right and in no time we had the job done – actually it took us 3 hours.  Everyone pitched and did their part.  Jack Ramsden must have installed a hundred screws.  That’s the really cool part of Knight Hands – everyone is willing to give of their time and effort to help someone in need.  Donna certainly needed this ramp.   She is currently in a wheelchair and will be for some time.  She told me she wants to get out and about and this ramp will allow her to do just that.  Thanks men for a job well done.