Rosary Thank You


Rosary Thank You


We wanted to pass along a “thank you” to the Knights of Columbus.  We recently learned that some money remained for our Rosary Project after the rosaries shipped to Angola. We are now using that money to make rosary kits for people to take home and complete. We will be shipping them domestically to the following organizations.  I know that people are appreciating this act of service that they can do from home right now. 

Children’s Rosary

The Children’s Rosary is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us “Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:3). The Children’s Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.

Our Lady Rosary Makers

Send to missionaries around the world, and distribute as needed to organizations (this is also our bead supplier and they mentioned that they are in need right now)

Operation Support our Troops

Sends rosaries to military chaplains around the world

We know that a lot of the donation money for our 100,000 Rosaries for Angola project came from the Knights and we are happy that we are still able to benefit from it. Below is a picture from 2016 when Fr.  Graciano came from Angola to take home 2,000 rosaries. The rest of the rosaries were shipped by barge in 2018.  We are grateful for many of the members that helped make this happen.

Peace in Christ,

Devyn Buschow

Director of Youth Ministry
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
1111 W. Danieldale Rd.
Duncanville, TX 75137
972-298-4971 x 316

Rosaries for Angola
From left: SK Jeff Miller, the late SK Andy Goza, SK Art Senato, Fr. Graciano, SK Jim Richardson, BK Tony Herrera.