To All KofC Council 8157 Brothers:
I have appointed the Nominating Committee of Council 8157 brother knights who will have the responsibility of preparing the slate of eligible candidates for the election of officers who will take office on July 1, 2018. The Nominating Committee will be chaired by our worthy advocate SK Russell Gulley who will be assisted by brother knights Jack Ramsden and 1st. Year Trustee Mike Fitzgerald.
All council 8157 officer positions are open for election including:
- Grand Knight
- Deputy Grand Knight
- Chancellor
- Recording Secretary
- Treasurer
- Advocate
- Warden
- Inside Guard(S)
- Outside Guard(S)
- 1st. Year Trustee
- 2nd. Year Trustee
- 3rd. Year Trustee
The position of Financial Secretary is appointed by Supreme Council and therefore not open for election at local council level.
All council 8157 brothers who are in good standing and who have completed their 3rd Degree are eligible to be considered as candidates for any position listed above. Please indicate your interest and position to be considered for to any member of the nominating committee as soon as possible. The nominating committee will also canvass all current officers who wish to be considered for any position on the council’s officers positions.
James H. Richardson
Grand Knight
K of C Council 8157
P.S.: The nominations for officers will be accepted in May and the elections will be held in June.