To all Council 8157 brothers:
Our Concession Committee has reached out to every brother who has access to our website with the notice of the start of our Baseball Season this coming weekend at both Valley Ridge and Dot Thomas fields. We have full schedules for both fields and some of you have already volunteered to help out our council by filling in some of the scheduled time slots over the weekend as well as throughout the season. To all those of you who have done so, we thank you most sincerely.
My purpose in contacting every knight from our council is to personally ask for your help in coming out to help your council during the coming baseball season. As some of you might be aware, all of the proceeds of our efforts to this baseball initiative help us to continue our council’s good works in doing our works of charity for our parish and our community. Because of the successful operation of the baseball program in the past, we have been able to support our Seminarians for the Priesthood, provide wheelchairs for the needy, provide support for our parish’s ministries, support the annual Vacation Bible School and Pentecostal Parish Picnic, parish Fall Festival, parish Welcome Dinner, and other parish activities. This is all due to efforts of a few knights who volunteered their time to help out our council.
But I am now personally reaching out to all of you to ask for your help as council brother knights to join our efforts in making this baseball season a success and making sure that we can continue providing our works of charity to our community. I am asking for your personal commitment in giving up some of your personal time during the coming weeks to make sure our baseball initiative demands are not left to a few of your brothers. I realize that many of you are working and have families and we have to respect that responsibility on your part, but any free time on weekends will help out tremendously.
Please contact me personally at 972-230-6839 (home), 214-952-1257 (cell) (email) or you can contact the Concession Committee Chair Jim Stavinoha at 703 919-1616 (cell) or (email) if you want to volunteer.
Thank you brothers.
Jim Richardson,
Grand Knight.