We Met on a Tuesday


We Met on a Tuesday

Our council’s first in-person general membership meeting since the pandemic was declared, finally took place on Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 at the Duncanville Fieldhouse. We met there because Holy Spirit Catholic Church is just entering the initial phase of opening back up, and it looks like that process will take a few months. The capacity of our regular meeting room in the community center building at Holy Spirit has been downgraded to only allow 10 people to gather there.

At the Fieldhouse, we rented the Center Room and it felt like it was about two thirds the size of Holy Spirit’s Upper Room (dining room). So there was plenty of space to easily accommodate the 34 members in attendance that evening, plus another 5 who were watching online. There were 6 last minute cancellations, so we could easily have had 40 members in attendance. The Fieldhouse Director Craig Brasfield, his assistant Richard Jones and the rest of the staff, did a great job catering our food for the evening. They provided pizza, chicken tenders with a variety of dipping sauces, chips, sweet fudge, four flavors of boxed hot coffee, iced tea and water. The WiFi connection was speedy and we even made good use of the large flat screen TV on the wall.

Alex Sabo raffle tickets
BK Alex Sabo Knight of the Month May 2021

There were several key items on the agenda, including approval of the budget and presentation of the Slate of Officers for the next Fraternal Year. The May 2021 Family of the Month Award was presented to our Worthy Advocate SK Russell Gully and his bride, Lady Patricia. The May 2021 Knight of the Month Award went to BK Alex Sabo for his tireless efforts in support of the Bishop’s Pro Life Dinner and raffle ticket sales. Brother Alex sold the raffle winning ticket to a neighbor of his, a $10,000 value. With that distinction, we seriously need to consider buying some more raffle tickets from him next year.

SK Russell Gully, PGK, picks up the award for Family of the Month for May 2021.

Slate of Officers for FY 2021-2022

  • Grand Knight: SK Jorge Ruiz
  • Deputy Grand Knight: SK Jim Russell
  • Chancellor: BK Mike Fitzgerald
  • Advocate: SK Russell Gully
  • Treasurer: SK James Smith
  • Recorder: BK Raymond Presas
  • Warden: BK John Espree
  • Inside Guard: SK Efrain Ochoa
  • Outside Guard: BK Steve Reid
  • Trustee 1st Year: BK David Dybala
  • Trustee 2nd Year: SK Tom Greco
  • Trustee 3rd Year: BK Allen Reitmeier

So given the fact that the Holy Spirit sanctuary will be remodeled possibly in the months of June, July and part of August, and masses will be moving to the dining room and the gym during that time, our plan for the next three months is to continue meeting at the Fieldhouse. We will discuss this at the next Officers & Directors meeting on May 18th.

The Duncanville Fieldhouse is located at Main Street and Hwy 67 in Duncanville, Texas.

Unfortunately, we did experience a technical glitch with the external speakers on the laptop computer that was running the GoToMeeting video conference, and other than headphones, we could not hear anyone speaking to us. We will have that fixed for the next time.

Special thanks to our council photographer SK Arthur Rodriguez for the great photos taken of the evening.

Thank you all for coming back to the Knights of Columbus and thank you for being Knights!

Vivat Jesus!

Jorge Ruiz, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus Council 8157

P.S.: Your comments about the May meeting are welcome. Send comments to gk@kofc8157.org

SK Efrain Ochoa picks up a past award.
SK David Ybarra, picks up a past award.
SK Dan Murphy, PGK, picks up a past award.